NoFap And Identity (Why It's So Very Important)

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Scandinavian Bob here hi,

Did you know that if you hit the snooze button in the morning you are more likely to relapse?

Yes it is absolutely true, and if you are doing NoFap this is going to be one of my most important videos for you so really try to focus now because I’m about to tell you something I wish I would have known much sooner.

NoFap and your identity...

Those of you who have been following my videos for a while now have probably heard me talking about self-identity or self-image, whatever you want to call it.

This is a thing you have deep inside your psychology and it is the core driver of your actions and behaviors. 

And I wish I would have known this sooner because once you understand this, then so many puzzle pieces in life really start falling in place. 

Keep the following words in mind, because we are going to come back to them in a moment...

The strongest force in human psychology is the need to stay consistent with how we define ourselves.


Watch out how you are crafting your identity during your NoFap journey...

Now, what are you doing if you are hitting the snooze button in the morning?

Well, you are breaking your own intentions. 

Think about it...

Say you have set the alarm to go off at 6 in the morning. Well that’s your intention - and If you then hit the snooze button when the alarm goes off then congratulations, that means you start your day by breaking your own intention as the very first thing you do.

Man, what a bad way to start your day!

Do not break your intentions - If you do, here's what's going to happen to your NoFap identity...

And so now some of you say, "So what, what’s the point here?"

Well, fair question and here’s the deal...

Every action you do in life is feeding your self identity, in one way or the other.

If you start your day by breaking your own intentions then you are feeding an identity of that of a person who breaks his own promises and the more you feed your identity a certain way, the stronger it becomes. 

Don't feed an identity of that of a person who breaks his own promises...

And let me ask you this, what more could a person who breaks his own promises do?

Well, he could for example have an intention of doing 90 days of NoFap, but since he now view himself as a person who frequently breaks his own promises then...

...oops, suddenly he breaks his intention there as well.  


Because it’s a psychological law.

It's almost like a psychological law...

Remember, the strongest force in human psychology is the need to stay consistent with how we define ourselves. 

So, you need to start feeding a self identity of that of a person who does what he intended to do.

Set your alarm clock to go off whatever time you want to get up and then make god damn sure you get up then. 

Now, I’m not saying that if you snooze one morning that will automatically result in a relapse later that night, of course not, but I am saying that it is one more vote for you being a person that breaks his own promises.

No single instance transforms your identity but as the votes build up the more you will start viewing yourself that way.

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You have to form an identity of someone who can trust himself...

Listen, have you ever relapsed and then you went, "Oh man, not again, It is like I can’t trust myself."

Well, there you go.

In that case you have a self identity of that of a person who breaks his own intentions. 

That's a bad NoFap identity to have right there.

I hope this makes sense for you because you can't overstate how important this is. 

Your identity is the core driver of your behaviors...

I repeat, your self identity is the core driver of your actions and behaviors.

So do not break your own intentions, no matter in what area of your life you set them.

Whether it’s your alarm clock or your daily cardio routine. 

This is why you must be careful with your rebooting rules...

This is why I also say that you shouldn’t make your rebooting plan too strict, with rules like, everyday I must...

  • Take a 5 minute cold shower
  • Take a 1 hour long run
  • Do 50 minutes of meditation
  • ...etc...etc...

Because once you start breaking those intentions, everything collapses and so then the relapse also follows shortly.

My 5 second cold shower rule...

Some people laugh at my 7 minute daily cardio rule, thinking it sounds so short, well how about this, I also have a daily 5 second cold shower rule. 

Now, this is precisely because I want to make damn sure I do them daily and that I DO NOT BREAK MY INTENTIONS and it does not mean that I can’t do more. 

No, of course not. Most of my cold showers are between 2-3 minutes.

It's better to set rules that you can go above on good days then rules you go below on bad days...

It just means that if I have a seriously bad that, that 5 second rule will help me get into that icy cold shower anyway, because no matter how weak I might feel that day, I know I can ALWAYS do 5 seconds.

And that way I avoid breaking my own intentions.

This is why I so often cringe when I see so many NoFap YouTubers out there coming up with some extreme rebooting plan and then 10 days later, they skip one part of the plan, then on day 12 they skip another and on day 13 they didn’t do any of it and then later that night they relapse.

Your NoFap identity depends on you not breaking your rules...

I see this over and over again, and while those hard rebooting plans seem kind of cool and quite heroic and all, which is why so many try to do it like that, they do not work in the long run.

Well, they work if you build up to them but you have to  start small and keep feeding the self disciplined part of you and keep building and feeding for many months.

So, make a plan you can stick to and build from there.

Make a plan you can stick to and build from there...

And do not break your intentions because again, you do not want to feed the part of you that breaks his promises - because if you do then of course you are going to break your rebooting promise as well.

Alright I hope this made sense to you, watch this video several times and really consider what I told you carefully. 

And if you haven’t seen my video about relapse signs I highly recommend you do so now while it’s fresh on your mind.

You see there are some really typical relapse signs that, well let’s just say if you experience any of these you are in danger of a relapse.

You can find that post / video right here, just click on that and it'll take you there

Alright this Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading!

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