Can't Wait Until I'm Free From Porn Addiction (Change Your Identity)

no pmo nofap pmo addiction porn relapse quitting porn

Note: The online course I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Are you longing for the day when you finally will be free from your porn addiction?

Well, if so, I have good news for you.

You don't have to wait. 

Look, it's about your identity...

Can't Wait Until I'm Free From Porn Addiction

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

I often see guys rebooting comment something like “Man, I can’t wait until I get to day 180 and I’m finally free of this porn addiction”

Well, if you are one of those thinking like that, yeah man, I know exactly how you feel because I’ve been there myself.

But you know what, let’s play around with a thought experiment for a while here…

Why wait?

What if I challenged your thoughts by asking, "Why wait until day 180?, or day 90, or day 365, or whatever goal you have"

Check this out...

What if you at this very moment were to never go back to using porn again. You wouldn’t use them today, or two weeks from now, and not tomorrow or 3 weeks from now.

Well, IF that were the case, wouldn’t that mean that you are free right now!

Think about it...

If you from this moment never went back to watching porn, wouldn't that mean you're free right now?

If you from this very moment never went back to your old habits, wouldn’t you be free right now?

Yes, you would.

So, forget about racing day 180 before you start living.

Start living today!

Now, of course I understand it’s not that easy to just stop relapsing, but there are two points I’m trying to drive home here.

Don't put your life on hold when trying to quit porn...

First, I see a lot of people putting their whole life on hold until they reach a certain number of days. Well, this is not good.

In fact, it’s a destructive way to go about it, because if relapses happen, and for most guys they will, well then you can end up waiting for years. I

’ve seen this happen and it’s such a sad thing.

No matter what happens in life, you don’t want to put living on hold.

"You don’t improve yourself in order to start living, you keep living while you’re improving yourself"

Change your identity...

Second, If you shift your mindset to you being free right now, then you will actually start shifting your identity.

Yes, you will slowly but surely start viewing yourself as a person who just doesn’t watch porn. And this is more powerful than you think.


Well, because the strongest force in the human personality is the need to stay consistent with how we define ourselves. 

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

You automatically act in line with how your view yourself as a person...

This means that if you view yourself as a confident person you automatically take actions that are in line with that of a confident person.

If you view yourself as shy and insecure, you automatically take actions that are in line with that.

And if you were to view yourself as free and porn-free, then you will automatically start acting more in line with what such a person would do. Which in turn would mean no more relapses, or at least less relapses.

And you change your identity by either doing a lot of self-talk or by doing a lot of actions that are in line with your desired identity. 

Start stacking up small wins...

It’s like James Clear says in his book atomic habits, *see video for quote*

For example, If you want to become more confident, then you start building up a series of small wins over a period of time and the great thing is that they can be very small. 

For example, saying “hey, how are you doing today?"  to the cashier in the grocery store is not magically going to transform you into some amazing ladies man, but it is one more vote for being socially confident.

And once you have collected enough votes like that, then you really start viewing yourself as a socially confident person for real, and then that identity then starts driving you. 

And it does so because the strongest force in human personality is the need to stay consistent with how we define ourselves.

I hope you understand how powerful this is guys.

Just, trust me on it. 

So, what if you applied that same concept on you being free from porn addiction right now?

Act as if and it will become real...

Act as if - and then later on it becomes real.

Or perhaps a better way to put all of this would be, live it and you’ll become it.

I really hope this message made you think a bit and gave you some ideas. 

Now, I know I know, as I said in the beginning, NoFap tips are easier said than done and if you already thought about the identity thing and you still keep struggling, I really recommend you check out the dopamine discipline review article I made a while back. 

It's a phenomenal course for overcoming PMO addiction.

Some of you have probably heard me mention it several times before, but did you know that there is also a light version of that course. Yes and that version is about 50% cheaper. 

You can check the current pricing for the full version and the light version by using the link under the video and man, if you’re struggling I really recommend you check it out because this course is really something special. 

But if you want more free video tips then t check out this video right heeere, because in that video you will discover some more practical NoFap advice and tips.

And remember, as WC used to say, if you’re going through hell, keep going.

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