Messed Up Dopamine From Social Media & Porn? (Fix it Like This)

dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine detox dopamine healthy habits porn-addiction quitting porn

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the post.

Curious about the relationship between having messed up dopamine and social media and porn?

Well, if so, this is the article for you.

Let's begin...

Messed Up Dopamine From Social Media & Porn?

So, yesterday, I was out shopping, and when I walked past the electronic aisle, I saw a young couple looking at a shelf with some movies.

The girl looked at her boyfriend with glittering eyes and said, "Let's buy a movie and watch it tonight."

The boy replied, "Nah, I can't. I get too distracted. I can't focus for a whole movie. They are too long and way too boring."

Oh, and I could instantly see how the girl was turned off by this, and I too, because I thought, "Oh man, what the hell is wrong with you, boy?"

But of course, then I remembered a few years ago, I was exactly the same way in the midst of my escapism behaviors. My dopamine system was so messed up that I couldn't even watch a full movie because I couldn't focus long enough to follow along in the storyline.

The same was true with reading. I couldn't even read two paragraphs without getting distracting thoughts.

 A messed up dopamine system will make you underperform in every are of your life...

If you recognize yourself in this, then know that this is not good. If your attention span is that short, you are literally going to underperform in every area of your life.

However, the good news is that you can fix it like this...

 #1: Stop jumping from one thing to another online...

Stop jumping from one thing to another with just a few seconds in between. Yes, stop jumping off videos as soon as you have started them.

You think you're constantly about to discover something new and something better, but all you're really doing is destroying your attention span.

Social media is horrible for this.

You literally jump from one thing to the next, to the next, to the next, to another thing, to another thing, to the next ...


Whenever you are following and chasing on social media you a riding on a dopamine stream...

Whenever you are following, chasing, and clicking from one thing to another, you are riding on a dopamine stream that can potentially desensitize you a bit as well as kill your attention span.

So, learn how to stay on one thing at a time for at least, well, say four minutes before jumping off.

For God's sake, at least two to three minutes. And then start going less to those social media places where you tend to get the most stuck in endless loops of rapid dopamine chasing.

#2: Meditate!

Yes, think about this one.

Meditation is the exact opposite of chasing one stimulus after another because you're literally just sitting there without any stimuli at all.

And on top of that, you are also trying to focus on just one thing, like your breath, for example. Meditation is a must-have weapon to have in your arsenal against today's super stimulating world.

 #3: Read books!

Number three is reading books.

Yes, it should come as no surprise to anyone out there that more than 90 percent of successful people are reading books.

And if I personally had to make a guess, that number is only going to go up even more because with all the distractions we have going on today.

If you don't learn how to read for a few minutes without distracting yourself again, you're just going to get lost in the endless sea of dopamine distractions, and that will lead you absolutely nowhere in life.

Now, real physical books are best, but if you do read on your phone or Kindle, then that's fine. But then make a habit out of not checking messages or notifications while you are reading.

That's so important here.

 A few years ago I couldn't even read a paragraph in a book...

You know, a few years ago, I couldn't even read one single paragraph without getting distracting thoughts. It took so much effort, and it was so boring.

But today, now that I'm free from my addictions and all those low-value dopamine stimulating things, I sometimes take a whole day where I'm doing nothing else than reading.

Yes, I can read for 12 hours if I want to, which leads me to the next point.

You should start doing all these things right away because no matter where you're at in life, it will help you.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

If you keep hammering your dopamine system with a lot of low value stimuli it's not going to work...

However, if you still keep overconsuming online porn, then implementing the three things I shared so far are not going to make an immediate difference. Because doing that is going to be hammering your dopamine system to such a degree that doing other good things, while it may be helpful, will still not make you run on all your cylinders.

So, do your best to give up those as well, especially if you are addicted to them. That should be your number one priority of all the things I shared with you today.

You can read full reviews of the course that I'm talking about in the end of the video in articles over here...


And, oh hey guys, do you know how you can go from being completely stuck in life to dominating within one year or less?


Well, then take a look at this video right here, and I will reveal the steps you need to take. Just take a look right now, and you'll see exactly what I mean.

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