How Long Does Dopamine Fasting Take? (Me Experience)

dopamine dopamine detox dopamine fasting

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the post...

So, how long does dopamine fasting take?

How many hours or days should you do a dopamine fast?

How often should you do a dopamine fast?

And how long do you need to do it and how long until you start seeing results?

Well, let’s take a look at this...

How Long Does Dopamine Fasting Take? (Me Experience)

First let me start by saying that dopamine fasting is a wonderful tool that I think almost everyone who lives in today’s super stimulating world should have in their tool box. 

And dopamine fasting is something you should come back to pretty much your entire life and then do in different periods throughout your life. Because, well, I think everyone of you understands that the effects of dopamine fasting won’t last forever if you go back to using a bit too much dopamine stimulation after your fast.

And that’s ok. 

Even if we want to live healthy, everyone of us steps over the line from time to time...

Because even though we want to have a healthy lifestyle in general, if we’re being honest, almost everyone of us is going to step over the line from time to time when it comes to indulging in some low value dopamine activities. And then dopamine fasting is a tool you can use to reverse the negative effects of that.

Dopamine fasting is a tool for people to use whenever they need it...

So, when it comes to how long and how intensely you should do a dopamine fast, here we really need to understand that everyone of us have different issues, different brains and most importantly, different lives. 

Some se good results after just one or two days of dopamine fasting...

Some see great benefits even after just one day, while others may need to do two or then a period of several so-called "light" dopamine fasting days after each other. 

And we all have to find ways of doing different dopamine fasting protocols that fits smoothly into our current life situation.

We have to make dopamine fasting fit into our current life situation...

 For example, a 7 day day super strict dopamine fast is most likely going to skyrocket almost everyone's dopamine system to levels they’ve never experienced before, but setting aside so many days in a row for dopamine fasting is not going to be feasible for everyone out there, IF we do it super strict, that is. 

Examples of how long a dopamine fast can take...

On the other hand, a light version of a 7 day dopamine fast could look something like this…

  • You eat super healthy 7 days in a row
  • You turn off your phone and the internet 4 hours before bed

Now, that would be a light version that almost everyone could do that would already be doing a lot of good for your dopamine system.

Then we of course have shorter dopamine fasts as well.

Like for example…

  • 24 hours dopamine fast
  • 48 hour dopamine fast

These are actually more common and if you take these seriously and make them really strict, then too can do wonders for your dopamine system. Especially the 48h protocol.

Dopamine fasting have many benefits, and people have different goals...

It’s also important to understand that dopamine fasting comes with a lot of different benefits and this is why many people have different goals with their dopamine fasts…

Why people do dopamine fasting...

  • Reduce procrastination and become productive  
  • Speed up their pmo recovery

For example, Victor Martin says, 

I have bought your course Bob and I am super happy! I truly believe that anyone who is detoxing from porn can greatly speed up their recovery with this. Perhaps instead of 90 days, it is possible in 40 days.”

Now, disclaimer, all of us are different and I don’t know anything about your days and your speed. 

This was just Victor's take on it, but I too am fully convinced that it is indeed possible to speed up recovery from addictions because dopamine fasting could potentially be a way to much much quicker  upregulate your dopamine D2 receptors and thus help reset or rebalance your whole dopamine system.

Other reasons to do dopamine fasting...

  • (Some do dopamine fasting to) Increase their energy, drive and motivation (which dopamine fasting is super helpful for)
  • And Some do it to turn up their sensitivity to pleasures so that they get more joy out of basically everything in life 

Doing a dopamine fast to get more pleasure out of your vacation....

And, of course, there are many other benefits than those, but speaking of us having different goals and turning up the sensitivity to pleasures, a cool way to use dopamine fasting is, for example if you have a vacation coming up. Maybe you’re even going on a trip somewhere. 

By increasing sensitivity to dopamine you heighten your perception of pleasure and joy...

Well, if you want to make sure to really get a super awesome and pleasure vacation you can do a dopamine fast the week before you leave, to make sure your dopamine system will increase its sensitivity to dopamine. This would make your vacation feel even more pleasurable than normal.

By the way, this is what I like to do myself.

I personally like to divide my year into 'vacation' vs dopamine healthy periods...

I like to divide my year into periods where I’m working more and then a few small vacation periods as well. And I often fine tune my dopamine system by doing a dopamine detox right before those vacation periods and oh man, let me tell you the increase in joy and happiness is extremely noticeable.

It's like vacation mode on steroids :)

Doing a dopamine fast to get a sharper brain prior to exams, job interviews or other important stuff...

You can also use different dopamine fasting protocols if you have something important coming up.

Like a week of job interviews, or a month of exams in your school. Then do a seriously effective dopamine fast a few days before that period to make sure all your senses and your brain are going to be super sharp during those exams. 

Using dopamine fasting to 'clean up' traces of too much hedonic pleasures...

And also, maybe you did a bit too much partying during your vacation or at some other period during the year then you can do a short dopamine fast after your vacation as well, to get your brain up and running before you hit your work again.

The point is, dopamine fasting is a tool for you to use when you need it and most of us are going to need it at some point because 99.9% of us are not going to live a day to day live where we are 100% dopamine healthy all of the time, and you know what, that’s perfectly fine.

Dopamine fasting is not about creating a boring life, it's a way to enjoy life more...

Because we have to remember to live a little as well, and this is just one reason why I personally love dopamine fasting so much, because in a sense it makes it possible to both eat the cookie and have it too.

And this is something I talk all about in my dopamine focused fasting online course. In that course you can choose between 5 different fasting protocols Ranging all the way from 48 hours to 84 days.

You can check out the Dopamine Focused Fasting course right here. 

The Dopamine focused fasting online course will supercharge your dopamine system...

You can check out the Dopamine Fasting course right here.

The longer protocols are obviously not going to be as strict as the shorter ones, because they are so long, so you can look at those more of a dopamine healthy period.

So, they are actually a bit easier to do than you would think, but man oh man how they will turn you into a productive beast who is capable of completely crushing every goal you set for yourself. 

The shorter protocols are more like sort of a hard reset and are super effective as well. But I personally love the longer protocols because I’ve also created  a scoring system for those, so they become just like a fun game to play where you  can try to beat your previous week's score and in the course I will obviously show you exactly how to do them as well. 

Different dopamine hacks...

And you’ll also discover a lot of different dopamine hacks that all will be of great help on your journey to getting a supercharged dopamine system. 

I’ll leave a link under the video if you want to go and read more about the dopamine fasting course.

And if you wonder if dopamine fasting can help speed up PMO recovery  then take a look at these videos ...

Finally, check out Dopamine Fasting Online course ==> Right here

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