Porn Addiction, Stress, Dopamine & Your Prefrontal Cortex

porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

Today I’m going to share a ridiculously simple Nofap trick and IF you make a daily habit out of this I can guarantee that it will drastically reduce your relapse frequencies. 

But you have to create a routine out of it, so it does take a bit of effort in the beginning.

It IS simple, but still not totally of those.

Porn addiction tip for less relapses...

And the habit is to simply take 5 minutes out of your day, somewhere between noon and 4pm, to sit done for yourself without any people around you and without any distractions and remind yourself of why it’s important for you to do NoFap. 

Now, this is so simple yet it is one of the most effective things you can do because, listen to this...

Even if we set goals for ourselves and even if we write things down we people tend to forget.

We tend to forget the emotions associated with our goals...

That’s just human nature and many of us do not really want to accept that fact.And that's understandable because, well, it’s kind of frightening how incredibly fast we forget.

And now before you start jumping up and down shouting, "This is not true!", understand that I do NOT mean forget as in totally forget it, but I mean that we forget the strong emotion associated with our goal.

And that we forget the core meaning of it.

This can happen fast, within just a couple of days after your last relapse.

By frequently reminding yourself of your "why", staying away from porn becomes so much easier...


If you make a habit out of taking 5 minutes every single day to sit down and remind yourself of why staying strong is important to you, then obviously you will imprint it in your brain.

It then becomes a lot easier to stay strong. 

This is especially true during stressful days because did you know that unfortunately stress dials down the function of your prefrontal cortex? 

Stress dials down your prefrontal cortex. This is especially bad if you have porn addiction...

And as you know by now the PFC is the part of your brain that is responsible for self control.

This means that the more stressed you are, the easier it becomes to go on autopilot and fall for different kinds of temptations.

Dopamine + stress = addiction?

In fact, so much so that some experts say: “Dopamine + stress = addiction”

And also when you PFC dials down the memory of why NoFap is important to you also quickly pales.

However, not if you make a 5 minute daily habit out of constantly reprogramming it into your mind. 

Now, it does not matter if you are in school or at work, you can always take a 5 minute bathroom break, so there are literally no excuses.

And the reason why I recommend you do it somewhere between noon and 4PM is because most people relapse in the evening or at night. 

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Most porn relapses happen later in the day...

Let me ask you this, have you ever started your day with good intentions, like today I’m going to be healthy and good, but then somewhere around 5 or 6pm something happens and you go and buy a few beers despite that?

Or you relapse to online porn sites?

Well, there you go!

As I said, we tend to forget - and especially when the everyday stress comes into play.

Be flexible...

Now, obviously you can modify this time-frame so it suits you day best and you can also do it several times a day.

In fact, the more the better, but I wanted to give you this tip in the simplest form possible so you would have no excuses. But again, more is actually better and this is also why I personally journal both in the morning and before I go to bed.

To help keep my brain on track.

Your brain's GPS system...

Constant reprogramming of our brains on why we do the things we do, is such a valuable thing to do, because it keeps us on track.

And if we do it on a daily basis it becomes like a you know, mental GPS system that gives you a strong warning whenever you are about to drift and go off course and the alarm goes, "Hey, back on track, you are now starting to drift in the wrong direction, back on track, back on track!"

So, try this out for at least 30 days and then get back to me on how it worked, because I want to hear how you are doing.

Porn addiction relapse signs...

And also, I would like you to watch a video right now about some special relapse signs that you need to be aware of.

Any time you experience some of these signs you are in danger of a relapse and you need to discover what they are.

You can find that video / blog post right here << Just click on that and it’ll take you there. 

Alright this is SB signing out for today. 

Thanks for reading!

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