How Stress increases The Risk Of Porn Addiction (Dopamine And Stress)

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Note: if you want to learn ore about the cours I mention in the end of the video, you can take a look at my article, A good online course for overcoming porn addiction

Wondering about the relationship between stress, dopamine and addiction?

And if porn addiction and stress are related in any way?

What about addictions, stress and dopamine in genera?

Well, if so, stay with me here because this video / blog post is going to be for you.

How Stress increases The Risk Of Porn Addiction

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

If you are walking on this amazing NoFap journey you need to listen up here. 

Are you aware of how truly destructive stress can be when you are trying to overcome an addiction? And if you’re not addicted, stress will also be a big hurdle for you even if you just want to break a bad habit.

Dopamine + stress = addiction?

In fact, some addiction experts even go as far as to say Dopamine + stress = addiction.

Now, of course they like to exaggerate a bit in order to make it sound dramatic and all and it doesn’t mean that you are destined to become an addict if you have a stressful life, but it is not just something that is pulled out of a hat either.

And that’s why you need to know what I’m about to tell you….

There are two key points to this video...

  1. If you have a lot of stress in your life it is much harder to overcome an addiction or a bad habit. And if you started focusing more on healthy stress reduction, you would quickly start to progress much faster on your NoFap / no porn journey.
  2. You need to know that whenever you are trying to soothe your stress with some low value dopamine stimulation you are potentially making it harder for you to overcome bad habits.

What is low value dopamine stimulation?

So, what do I mean by low value dopamine stimulation?

Well as you already know, it’s not like dopamine is bad. In fact, we need it and it gets released from so many activities, from working on your goals, to physical exercise, listing to music, dancing, meditating and even just drinking a glass of water etc.

And those are not low value activities by any means.

Stress and porn addiction and low value dopamine activities...

By low value dopamine stimulations I’m talking about things like for example getting stuck in endless scrolling on social media, constantly checking likes, following all the notifications and so on. Or eating junk food, drinking alcohol, gambling and playing a lot of video games and of course online adult sites and so on.

Here's the deal...

Be careful pairing low value dopamine activities with stress...

You have to be a bit careful to pair those kinds of activities with stress. As in, using them in order to try to reduce your stress.

This is because the artificial dopamine spike that they release can teach your brain to think that it needs those activities in order to ever be able to calm down.

Don't make your brain think that it needs low value dopamine in order to relax...

So, if you keep doing this there is a risk of you transferring your addiction and get hooked on some other low value dopamine stimulation instead. 

And not only that,  whenever you pair stress with some low value dopamine stimulation you are also massively increasing your risk of NoFap relapses on that very same day.

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You don't need to completely cut them out either...

Now, I am not saying that we need to completely stop doing those things, no no no no no. It is indeed possible for most people to keep drawing pleasure from them, and to keep using them in moderation, but you need to me aware of the increased risk there.

And pay careful attention to how they affect you, because then you can modify and experiment with the smartest way to approach those lower value dopamine driven activities...

...if you want to keep them in your life. 

Do them when you're not stressed...

If you want to keep those activities in your life it is much better to do so at times when you are not trying to escape from stress, anxiety or escape from any negative emotions for that matter. 

Now, some people do indeed run into so serious problems with self-control whenever using artificial dopamine spiking activities that they need to completely stop using most of them in order to stop porn relapses - and that’s fine.

It is up to each and everyone to figure out how to deal with this.

Reduce your stress with healthy activities...

And also, if you strat proactively trying to reduce your day to day stress by doing healthy activities like...

  • taking a walk in nature
  • meditating
  • using an acupressure mat
  • and things like that... will instantly start seeing improvements in the length of your no porn streaks.

The value of stress reduction simply can not be overstated when it comes to overcoming addictions, bad habits. And unfortunately this is something most NoFap YouTubers completely forget to tell you.

Thanks for reading.

-Scandinavian Bob

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Porn addiction, stress, dopamine & your prefrontal cortex

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