How To Know If You Have Low Dopamine Levels Caused By Porn Addiction?

dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine detox dopamine fasting dopamine receptors porn-addiction

Note: you ca find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the post. 

Wondering how to know if you have low dopamine levels caused by porn addiction?

Or how do you know if porn has caused dopamine problems?

Or low dopamine levels in general?

Well, this video is about common signs of low dopamine levels caused by too much porn.

Note, that these signs are pretty common for low dopamine in general, and that are not exclusive porn addiction. They are, however, extremely common in heavy porn users. 

How To Know If You Have Low Dopamine Levels Caused By Porn Addiction?

Today, we are going to take a look at 9 symptoms of low dopamine. I'm also announcing a 12-day dopamine fasting challenge that we are going to have here on my YouTube channel.

So, you can potentially fix your dopamine system if you happen to recognize yourself in any of these nine symptoms. 

I'll talk more about that in the end. But before we start, I also need to point out that there can obviously be many reasons why a person has low dopamine levels in the first place. And doing a dopamine fast will unfortunately not do much for you if you happen to have some medical issues.

Dopamine fasting can help with low dopamine if your low dopamine is caused by overstimulation...

But if you have a messed up dopamine system caused by overstimulation (you know, like addictions or too much social media, adult sites, video games, and things like that), then a dopamine fast will definitely help.

And also, know that when we say things like "signs of low dopamine", that could also mean either poor dopamine signaling or low dopamine receptor density, or then maybe just something is way off with the reuptake.

But they can all give similar symptoms.

So, let's jump in and take a look at some of the most common symptoms of low dopamine caused by porn.

Low motivation and drive... 

With low dopamine, you can lose the motivation to do almost anything.

At work, you just do the bare minimum, and even in your free time, you may have a hard time getting excited about things, at least to the point of you feeling pumped to make it happen. It's like you just don't really care enough about things.

Short-term memory problems... 

Yes, having trouble with your short-term memory can also be a sign of low dopamine caused by for example porn addiction.

Feelings of fear and shame…

Absolutely yes, and this one is often accompanied by low self-esteem.

You have a hard time keeping focused... 

Yes, concentration and focus can be a big problem, and things like reading a book without getting distracted can seem like a very hard thing to do. 

Even following along in the story line in a movie can be a bit of a challenge if you have low dopamine.

You're tired and lack energy... 

Now, it's pretty normal to lose energy towards the end of the day, especially if you've been working hard. But if you often find yourself almost burnt out, and you're not even sure why it is, it could definitely be because of a poor-functioning dopamine system caused by porn addiction.

You have low libido…

Yes, dopamine and testosterone are the key drivers of your libido, and if one of those is not doing its job well, then you too may start under performing in the bedroom.

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You're moody and anxious.

Again, these symptoms can be caused by a lot of things, but the fact is that low dopamine can indeed cause mood swings and anxiety as well.

You do not feel pleasure from previously enjoyable activities… 

Depression-like symptoms here, yes, it can feel like your default response to people who ask you to follow along and do something is something like, "Nah, I'm not feeling it, man," because you generally feel little to no interest.

Tremors, muscle stiffness…

And there can also be physical symptoms like tremors, increased muscle stiffness, and lack of coordination can also be a sign of low dopamine levels.

Alright, so please let me know in the comment section below how many of you would be interested in a 12-day dopamine fasting challenge to upregulate your dopamine system - to make it healthier and work better so that you can experience some really nice benefits. 

Dopamine fasting protocols to fix low dopamine levels from overstimulation

You see, I'm going to do this fasting challenge myself as well, and I'm planning on making it in three different levels, where each level gets a bit harder than the previous one.

So, each level would be three days with one day off in between where you get to rest, so to speak, before we move up to the next level.

And always during that day off, I would publish a new video with the rules for the coming next level. And also, if you, at any point during the 12-day challenge, feel that you'd like to jump off, that's totally fine. 

You will still get a lot of benefits from doing this. But if you make it to the very end, oh man, your dopamine system will be thanking you because we will make sure to really fine-tune it during this 12-day challenge.

Yes, you will upregulate it. If not 100%, then at least enough for you to notice some real interesting benefits.

NOTE: the challenge I'm talking about in the video is o longer available, but it has evolved and grown into something far better; a fantastic Dopamine Fasting online course.

That course have several different fasting protocols for you to try, as well as many productive challenges that will all help to reset and refocus your dopamine system.

Take a look right here and let me know what you think.


-Scandinavian Bob

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