How To Deal With Anxiety During NoFap / PMO Reboot (Try This)

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Are you having a lot of anxiety during your PMO reboot?

Wondering how to deal with anxiety during NoFap?

Well, today we are going to take a look at a cool little anxiety technique that can be of great help as you're stumbling uphill on your journey.

How To Deal With Anxiety During NoFap / PMO Reboot 

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

When I’m feeling overwhelmed and stressed I have a technique I’m using that instantly cuts my worry with, well, I would estimate more than 50%.

So make sure to stay with me until the end here because you do not want to miss this.

Yeah so I used to be a person who worried a lot and I mean about almost everything. No matter how seemingly insignificant the task.

Secret: stop obsessing about the outcome...

Once I realized that I needed to stop obsessing about the outcome everything changed for me. 

And now some of you say, "But don’t we have to set goals and  focus on them?"

And yes, you’re right, we do, but here’s the thing..

Once you have set your goal and you clearly know what it is, you should stop obsessing on it. 

And so now some of you may be saying, "I can’t just stop thinking about something. Especially not something I care about."

And again you’re right, the thing about our brain is that we can’t just stop thinking about something. If I tell you to not think of a clown right now, what do you think about?

That’s right, you’re thinking of a clown. 

State your outcome - Then shift your focus the steps...

So, once you have stated your outcome, the solution is to only focus on the steps and let the outcome take care of itself. And not even all the steps. If you’re really overwhelmed then sometimes you only focus on your first step. 

Now, do you know why this works so well?

It’s because most often we have no direct control over the outcome, but we always have control over our next step.

Trying to force control makes us anxious...

You see, it’s the lack of control that makes us stressed, anxious and overwhelmed. 

Let’s say I have a job interview today at 2 pm.

Well, then obviously my goal is to get the job, but if I then start thinking...

"What if the boss doesn’t like me, what if I don’t get the job, what if I make a fool out of myself?"

Naturally you’re going to get super nervous!


You can't control the outcome...

Because if you’re thinking like that you're now playing a losing battle - since you are trying to fight things you can’t control.

You have no direct control of what the boss is going to think of you. You have no direct control over whether you get the job or not.

You can control the steps...

By instead focusing on the steps you are actually dealing with something that you have control over and there's power in that. 

And so now you say, "Yeah I understand, but that's still easier said than done."

Yes it is, but here’s a little trick, ask yourself “what’s the next best step I can take?”

By using the word 'best' there, it becomes almost like a game and all your focus is shifting to the steps.


What's my next 'best' step?

So, let’s say my job interview is 3 hours away and I’m freaking out because I’m focusing on the outcome. 

Then I ask myself, what is my next best step?

Put on some nice and respectable clothes.

Ok, I can do that.

After that is done I ask, what’s my next best step?

Well, I could make something to eat so I'm not hungry during my interview.

Ok, I can do that.

Oh wait, I can do that step even better...

I could make my lunch out of vegetables, a bit of protein, some healthy fats and then low glycemic carbs to help keep my blood sugar stable during the interview. 

That’s great!

As you guys see, now I’m focusing on things I have control over and here you can clearly see how the word ‘best’ is helping me focus on the right things.

Ok, and so then I eat and ask myself what’s my next best step?

Well I’ll drive to the workplace and while driving I’m going to breathe slowly and deeply.

That’ll help me keep grounded.

Again, this is something I have control over. 

Then I get inside, and while I’m waiting in the waiting room I ask myself, what’s my next best step?

I can keep a good open posture when I’m meeting the boss and then I’m just going to answer one question at a time to the best of my ability. The rest will take care of itself. 

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It's amazing how well this works...

It’s amazing how well this works, because not only will it reduce your stress, but by asking yourself what’s my next best step, you will actually start looking for smart things to do, that you can do.

And that’ll significantly also increase your chances that the outcome turns out in a favorable way.

Now, obviously these steps here were just examples, but the point is, you can do this with almost everything in your life.

Whenever you feel completely overwhelmed. Be brave enough to let go of the outcome and start asking, "what’s my next best step?"

Now, while this is a super effective technique it may take a bit of practice for you to get the hang of, and if you’re so stressed out right now that you are suffering from very high anxiety levels, then take a look at this video right here >my favorite anxiety supplement<, as over there I talk about something that has worked amazingly well for my own anxiety that I was battling a few years back.

It’s something that reduced my anxiety in literally just 45 minutes after taking it. Just watch the video and you’ll see exactly what I mean.

Thanks for reading!

-Scandinavian Bob

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