Frequent Porn Relapses vs Big Binge Relapse | How Bad? & What's Worse?

pmo addiction porn relapse quitting porn

Note: you can always find links to what I'm talking about in the video down in the text version below

Are you wondering what kind of porn relapse is worst?

A big porn relapse every now and then or frequent small porn relapses?

Just exactly how bad is relapsing to porn when you're rebooting? 

Well, let's talk about it...

Frequent Porn Relapses vs Big Binge Relapse - How Bad? & Whats Worse?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

A lot of guys would like to know what’s worse, frequent small porn relapses vs going a bit longer between porn relapse...

...and then bingeing for hours. 

Well, let’s talk about it…

A three hour porn relapse is much worse than a 15 minute relapse...

First we all know that a 3 hour relapsing session is much much worse than a 15 minute session.

I mean that’s just bloody obvious.

But what about it we were to take an example with the same total amount.

What about small vs big if we look at the same amount...

Let’s say "person A" were to use adult sites 4 times a week and then after 3 weeks that would add up to a total amount of 3 hours. 

Then we have "person B" here who is bingeing for 3 hours but he does that only once every three weeks. 

So, they are both spending the same total amount of time on adult sites here.

Which one is doing the most damage? 

More frequent porn watching is more likely to lead to porn induced ED. Longer sessions tend to lead to delayed ejaculation...

Well, from what I have seen during all my years in the rebooting community, the guys who do it more often tend to run into more problems with PIED the most.

While the once who do the 3 hour sessions tend to more often have problems with DE ( delayed ejaculation).

But this is by no means the case for everyone, as you have to keep in mind that we are all different and that things affect us differently. 

PIED and sexual conditioning...

Now, it could make sense that the frequent shorter sessions are worse for pied because PIED is so much about conditioning.

And every time you are watching porn, you are literally training your brain to respond to pixels on a screen instead of real life people.

So, it’s like "person A" here has frequent training sessions. And we all know that we learn faster with more practice. 

The more often you "practice" the better you'll learn...

For example, you learn to play the piano better with frequent practice sessions, then one long session every now and then. And in this case, the learning is bad, of course.

Now, don't think "person B" is doing a good thing here either, because that 3 hours session is completely frying his dopamine receptors.

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The longer porn relapse is more likely to desensitize the reward system...

And 3 weeks in between sessions is probably not going to be enough for his dopamine system to recover.

This means that, with time, he will most likely end up with a severely dysfunctional dopamine system.

Which in turn often can show itself as...

  • Low motivation and drive
  • Poor focus
  • Poor short term memory
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Even anhedonia - an inability to enjoy things in life

They are both bad...

By the way, this can also happen for "person A", and again, both of them can indeed develop porn induced erectile dysfunction (PIED)

So, it’s not like I can recommend one scenario over the other. I’m just speculating on which scenario could potentially be worse.

Now what about the addiction itself?

What kind of relapse is worse when it comes to the porn addiction itself?

Which scenario would be more devastating for developing stronger addiction-related brain changes?

Well, one might think that "person A" would become more addicted since he’s giving in more often.

And, yes, that may also be the case...but it’s not entirely sure. 

There is an article over at your brain on porn where you can read about how intermittent use can sometimes actually be a bigger addiction generator than frequent small sessions. 

This may be because your brain is just starting to repair itself when you again completely overwhelm it with a massive relapse.

*See video for quote*

You can read more about the online course I mention in the end of the video in my article Best online course for quitting porn Dopamine Discipline Review


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