Dopamine Detox Alternatives (If You Can't Do A Full Fast)

dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine detox dopamine fasting dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors

Curious about dopamine detox alternatives?

As in, what good can I do for my dopamine system without completely depriving myself of all dopamine activities?

Well, this post is about a dopamine detox alternative for you to consider.

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Dopamine Detox Alternatives (If You Can't Do A Full Fast)

Dopamine fasting is a great thing to do to help reset your brain's dopamine system and I really recommend you do some bigger, more serious ones at least a few times a year.

Now, if you can’t bring yourself to do that as they honestly are a bit boring then here comes 3 simple and small things that you at the very least should be able to do in sort of a mini dopamine fasting version you know as the very minimum.

#1: Stop bringing your phone with you to the bathroom...

Yes, you don’t need to be checking social media, your likes and comments while sitting on the crapper.

This is a great time to at least unhook from all that stimulation for at least a couple of minutes a few times a day.

And there’s no need to be available every second of the day if someone needs to get a hold of you so don’t even go there using that excuse.

If you really have to have something to read in there then why not have a paper in your back pocket where you have written down your goals, and then every single time you go to the bathroom you pull that paper out and re read your goals.

Now, that’ll be infinitely more valuable for you than feeding your zombie-like brain by more useless social media. 

By re reading your goals on a daily basis it is like you readjust your brain's ‘goal achieving GPS system’, making sure it’ll help you stay on track.

#2: Stop looking at your phone while you’re driving or bicycling...

I see this all the time.

As soon as you stop at a red light and you look to the side, you see the other person sitting there in his car, and sure enough, he just had to pick up his phone and check it even though the red light will turn green in a matter of seconds. 

Everyone does it!

We’re so addicted and it’s so pathetic really when you think of it.

So, if you can’t do a proper dopamine fast then at least give yourself a goddamn break when you're waiting at a stoplight.

At the very least, commit to yourself to not check your phone while you're driving and the car is moving because that’s even dangerous and something no one should be doing, dopamine fasting or not.

Yet, this too is something you see happening all the time when you look around. And those who are not driving, well, they are checking their phones while bicycling.

Come one now people, can’t you just give your dopamine system a little break even for a few seconds when you're out in traffic?

#3: Stop checking your phone while your socializing with real life people...

Yes, this one should be common sense, yet most people have started ignoring it.

If you’re spending time with your friends, or whoever in a real life situation then for God’s sake can’t you let your dopamine starving brain focus on the other people for just a few minutes here.

It’ll be healthy for you and not to mention the other people will start appreciating you more because it’s actually a much more respectable thing to don :)

Even if - even if they themselves get sucked into checking their phones,  they will still appreciate it and you don't have to sink that low.

Stay above it and commit to yourself to keep your focus on the other people when in a social gathering. Even if you’re just hanging with one person, in fact then it’s even more disrespectful if you start checking your phone since you then break connection with him every time you do it.

Bare minimum dopamine detox alternative...

Now these 3 things are just the bare minimum I think everyone should be doing in order to be kind to their dopamine system.

And I will be back with a dopamine series shortly where I talk more about clever ways how you can adapt  brain healthy living in your day to day life, ranging all the way from small actions you can implement all the way to a several day long strict dopamine fast, so consider subscribing for that.

And oh hey guys, if you’re trying to quit using adult sites then those of you who have not yet downloaded my free guide can still do so by using the link right here. Just click on it right now, fill in your email and you’ll get it straight to your email inbox.

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today...

...and speaking of dopamine, if you’re looking for one of the quickest and easiest ways to instantly raise both your dopamine and testosterone levels at the same time, then you might want to take a look at this post right here ==> AlphaViril Review,  as over there I talk about something that is truly effective for doing just that. 

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