Counting Days When Quitting Porn (Good or Bad?)

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This is a super short snippet from the online course The 4-Step Porn Crushing System

Are you trying to quit using porn?

And now you are wondering whether or not counting days is something you should be doing?

Well if so, you're in the right place, because this is what we are going to talk about right now.

Counting Days When Quitting Porn (Good or Bad?)

So what about counting days, is this something you should be doing or not?

Well, if you have been consuming a lot of so-called NoFap content online then you've likely encountered conflicting perspectives. Some talk about the benefits of counting, while others argue it's not a practice you should embrace.

The truth is, that for some people counting days can do more harm than good while for others it can actually be really helpful.

If counting days motivates you - keep doing it...

If you feel that counting days motivates you and you like stacking up the days and you get motivated by seeing the number increase then, by all means, keep on doing that.

However, there are a lot of people who fall into “addict think” where after a relapse they tend to go, “Oh now, I blew it, I’m back to zero - so I might as well keep binging for a while now before I go on a new streak”. 

If you belong in that category, then counting days is probably not that good for you.

If you relapse a lot and have problems with your mindset, choose another option...

The same goes if you are coming from a place where you have been and still are relapsing a lot, then I would suggest you instead keep track by counting the number of relapses within a given block of time. 

That block could be for example, a block of 14 days or a block of 4 weeks, or 8 weeks. 

So you choose a timeframe you feel comfortable with, count the number of times you slip within that block of time and then you try to reduce the number of slips in the next block of time. 

Create a block of time and aim for a reduction of relapses...

Of course the block of time could be a month-to-month approach as well. You could track the number of days you slip this month and then aim to have fewer slips the following month, and so on.  

And you don’t necessarily have to count the slips, you could just as well count the number of days clean as that is a more positive way to state it, but I do believe you need some kind of tracking system to keep track of your progress. 

Now, of course you could keep track on your computer, or on your calendar, or just on a piece of paper, but I still went ahead and created some different lengths of blocks for you, as  downloadable PDF files that you can print out and use for this. Go ahead and choose the block with what you consider to be the most reasonable time frame for you and then go with that one.

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Watch out for the "back to zero mindset"...

And, just a few more words about the “Oh, no I’m back to zero mindset”, you should really do your best to avoid thoughts like that. 

First, because they are destructive and promote bingeing.

And second because it’s black and white thinking. And you should know that the dopamine system in your brain does not work like that. It doesn’t care what number YOU can see on your counter. It just does its healing, taking the time it needs.

Your brain doesn't care what number you see on your counter...

Sure you will delay or even put yourself back a bit if you relapse, but not all the relapses are the same, and there really is no ”zero” to speak of, as again, the brain doesn’t work like that. 

If you go on a diet for 2 months, you lose 20 pounds and  then you mess up one weekend you don’t lose all your progress either.

Now, I know it’s not the exact way with addictions, but it does a good job of showing that it’s such a bad way of thinking. So really try to get rid of that mindset. 

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