Two Weeks After Quitting Porn (Second Week is Tough)

pmo addiction quitting porn

Note: if you're looking for links, find them at bottom of the article

Has it been around two weeks since you decided to quit watching porn?

And now you're not feeling well at all?

Well, if so, you're not alone. Two weeks into a porn reboot things often get's tough.

Let's talk...

Two Weeks After Quitting Porn

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Let’s talk a bit about the dreaded second week of NoFap / quitting porn. Yes, the second week is no joke and for a lot of guys the second week can actually be the toughest period of the whole reboot. 

Now, before I start talking about why that is, I want to remind everyone of the fact that, even if it seems tough, you can definitely overcome this.

So, don’t get discouraged by the seemingly nasty obstacles in your path.

Also, keep in mind that not everyone will experience withdrawals or really nasty periods when they quit, but many do.

Two weeks after quitting porn the sensitized pathways in your brain gets stronger...

And did you know that the sensitized pathways in your brain can actually grow stronger somewhere around the second and third week in?

Yes, as you remember from my older videos, a sensitized pathway is basically a 'super memory' of pleasure. And they are what gives you these powerful cravings that so often make you relapse. 

This is why some guys can experience things like a rapid heartbeat and even tremors when presented with a trigger in the second week.

The porn addiction has hijacked the part of your brain that thinks it's vital for survival...

The addiction has literally hijacked the part of the brain that thinks you need it for survival. And so, of course your stress center is going to be involved if a part of your brain thinks your whole life is on the line.

Now, this doesn’t mean you will have cravings all the time, but if you get slapped with a trigger in your second week, for some guys their body may very well respond even more powerfully than it did in the first week.

After about 30 days it get's easier...

Luckily the sensitized pathways do become weaker, it takes a few weeks though.

But if you can just get past 30 days then it will most likely get a whole lot easier.

Another nasty thing that often happens a few days after you quit watching porn is that your dopamine levels, that were already low to begin with, drops even further.

Two weeks after quitting porn, low dopamine can become a real problem...

Yes, and by the time the second week rolls around this can really hit your hard. 

A lot of guys experience a complete lack of drive and everything seems just grey and boring. They often feel like there’s a black hole in their chest.

This black hole is something that I struggled A LOT with myself back when I was relapsing.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

Feeling a deep void...

Yeah I used to call it “the void” and it just felt horrible, you couldn’t really find anything enjoyable anywhere and there was also this feeling that nothing really matters. 

Now, here’s what you need to know about the void.

Your instinct is going to be to try to fill that hole with low value dopamine driven things, like...

  • Alcohol
  • Junk food
  • Cigarettes
  • Online porn
  • And all the instant gratification things you can think of...

But you need to know, the black hole can not be filled with those.

You can not fill the void with instant gratification, low value dopamine...

No matter how much “instant gratification” you keep shoveling into it it doesn’t get filled. It’s like a bottomless pit.

The nature of dopamine itself is that it wants more. In fact, a lot of experts actually call dopamine the molecule of more.

You need to realize that the only things that can actually help a bit are all those things you actually least feel like doing right then.

You need to engage in activities you least feel like doing...

Things like, if you’re a runner, going for a 10 mile run or going for a long walk in nature. Taking a cold shower and after that meditating for 45 minutes.

Helping someone who is in need. That one is actually one of the best ones for your black hole.

Having a deep conversation with a close friend.

As you can see, all those things that you least of all would like to do when the void is there. 

So, keep going and keep moving forward even if you don’t feel like it and try to not waste your energy on worrying so much about how long it will take, because that’s very draining.

Instead just take it one day at a time and before you know it you’ll start to notice how things are suddenly looking much brighter. 

If you're interested in learning more about the online course I mention in the end of the video, you can take a look at my article Dopamine Discipline Review


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