The NoFap Flatline is Horrible So Can You Even Feel Good Then?

nofap nofap flatline

Note: no longer recommending the sponsored software talked about in the video, but you can find links to something better down below. 

Wondering if it's even possible to feel good during the NoFap flatline?

Or if you're doomed to weeks of misery and angst?

Well, this is what we're going to talk about today.

The NoFap Flatline is Horrible So Can You Even Feel Good Then?

Today we are going to talk a bit about the flatline and whether or not it’s even possible to have good days during this, often rough period of time.

I’m also going to share a very serious pitfall you can fall into if you’re not careful during your flatline period.

*** Here the is a promotion of a porn blocker in the video that I no longer recommend as the first choice. Today I feel that the accountability and blocker software CovenantEyes works much, much better. 

So, if you are searching for a good blocker, check out CovenantEyes. You can get the first 30 days FREE is you use promo code STRONGER at checkout. **

Can you have good days during flatline form quitting porn?

Alright, so is it even possible to have good days during flatline.

Yes, absolutely and I think it’s super important that we talk about this because even though the flatline is 100% real your mental attitude can and will affect it.

The porn / NoFap flatline is characterized by

  • A general loss of libido
  • Drop in mood
  • More anxiety
  • Lack of drive and motivation

It is often in the second and third week when the flatline feels worst...

Now, here’s the deal, it is often in the second and third week of your NoFap journey when the flatline feels the worst and where many guys have all of these things going on.

However, the flatline is primarily tied to your sex drive, so what I often found was that sometimes in my third week or in my fourth week, these symptoms here started to get much much better, even if my libido still was missing. 

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Yes, you can have good days during your flaltline...

And so yes, you can definitely have days when you feel good during your flatline but an important thing to realize is that there might be pretty sharp ups and downs when it comes to your mood during this time.

Now, here comes something very important, considering what I just said, if you just descended into a flatline it is extremely important for you to not put your life on hold.

Never put your life on hold due to the NoFap flatline...

Do not stop your hobbies or stop socializing even if you don’t feel like doing them, because here’s the thing, if give up things like that you run the risk of making your depression worse.

And here’s the thing...

Anxiety, depression or even excess worrying can actually then prolong the whole flatline period.

I can not stress this enough, because this is something I see with my coaching clients and I experienced it myself as well.

You'll run the risk of making the flatline longer and stronger...

If you lock yourself in your basement, wallow in self pity and try to wait it out, you run the risk of making the flatline both worse and longer.

Keep living you normal life...

So, keep exercising, keep doing your normal hobbies, keep socializing and even go on dates if there’s a good opportunity because here’s the thing, when it comes to waking up your libido after having suffered a flatline for a while, sometimes you have to just start dating and fooling around first, and then as a result the libido might follow. 

 Often times emotions follow actions...

Yes, for some guys it kind of works the fire in the fireplace - you can't warm yourself in front of the fire before you go out and gather firewood if you don't have any.

You have to go out first (even if you're cold), gather some firewood, and then after that you can make your fire.

Ok, I really hope you’ll consider that and remember, yes, it is indeed possible to have good days even if you’re lacking libido so keep living your life and keep putting yourself out there. 

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