Stress + Loneliness Are Big Porn Relapse Triggers (Watch This)

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Wondering if stress or loneliness are porn addiction relapse triggers?

Indeed they are!

In fact, stress and loneliness are one of the biggest triggers ever when it comes to your porn addiction.

Check it out...

Stress + Loneliness Are Big Porn Relapse Triggers 

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

Just a really short video today to remind you, my dear subscribers, to stay strong because I know that most relapses happen during the weekends.

This is not surprising at all because the weekend is often a culmination of the biggest relapse dangers or triggers.

Stress is a big porn relapse trigger...

Stress is one of the biggest relapse dangers and if you’ve had a stressful week - well stress is cumulative and builds up in the body. So when the weekend comes, your body could be screaming for some kind of release. 

Loneliness is also a big trigger in porn addiction...

Loneliness is another very big trigger and during the weekends many guys who are single feel even more lonely, but even those who are not single. 

And of course, during the weekend most people have a sudden increase of free time and guys start spending a lot more time aimlessly browsing the internet, which of course is a minefield with triggers on its own.

And you all know the saying, an idle mind is the devil's workshop!

Well that’s especially true when it comes to your porn addiction

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The weekends often present the perfect porn addiction relapse storm...

All those are huge triggers and when coming together they really create the perfect relapsing storm.

So, start thinking of ways you can reduce those triggers.

Instead of drinking a few beers to try to reduce your stress, which will only increase your relapse risk even further, go for a 2 hour long walk in nature.

If you have feelings of loneliness, reach out to someone. Maybe you have a childhood friend you haven’t talked to in several years. 

Why not give him or her a surprise call today?

Make a plan and then stick to it...

Come up with some new goals for you to work on and try to close that devil's workshop caused by your idle mind.  

Keep yourself busy, and above all, imagine how you will feel waking up tomorrow with your streak intact vs how you will feel when you wake up in the morning after binging on nasty website hours at an end.  

Yes, of course it will mean some extra effort, and you might even have to face some inner demons, especially when it comes to the feelings of emptiness and trying to find meaning. 

But remember; in order to develop your greatest strength - you will have to face your greatest weakness.

Thanks for reading.

-Scandinavian Bob

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