Should I Count Days When Trying To Quit Porn? (Counter Good Or Bad)

pmo addiction pmo reboot porn-addiction quitting porn

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the post...

Wondering if you should count days when trying to quit porn?

Should you count days or not when quitting porn or doing a PMO reboot?

Should you use a counter?

What about NoFap?

Well, let's take a look...

Should You Use A Counter When Trying To Quit Porn (Counting Days Bad?)

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

One of the most common questions from guys I get is...

  • Does this count as a relapse?
  • Should I reset my counter?
  • And what about this?
  • And what about that?
  • Or, I have reached day 120 today, should I stop counting now?

Many of you have probably seen me answer these questions in the comment by saying something like, "Does it really matter?"

And some of you are probably thinking, "Hey Bob, how can you respond like that since quitting porn is such an important subject? And if it’s important, it means it matters right?".

Well, listen, I’m going to show you what really matters so that you can adapt a healthy mindset here.

Let’s start with this one, just as an example...

Counting days when quitting porn does not change what your brain is doing...

Ok so, this is your brain right here….and over here is your counter. 

Now, this is not only your brain, but it is your brain having been free from porn for 4 months now, which is great. You have given it a lot of time for healing. 

That is the only thing that really matters here. Because no matter what you choose to do with the counter here, it doesn’t change the fact that your brain is doing well right now. 

If you stop counting, it doesn’t instantly change the left side of the line here. The same is true if you keep counting. Only time will change it.

Your brain will do its own thing, regardless of what day number you put down on a paper...

What I’m trying to say, guys, is that what matters is how your brain is doing and not what number you write down on a paper. 

The same is true for questions like, four days ago I was on day 142, but then I slipped and watched porn for 20 minutes, do I really have to  reset my counter. 

Again, you don’t have to do anything.

Your life, your rules.

Doing a porn / pmo reboot is not a competition...

This is not a competition where there are some general official rules. 

No, the counter is only there to serve you. You simply have to ask yourself what you are using your counter for. Are you using it to keep track of when your last relapse was?

Well if so, then yes you should reset, but don’t for one second think that the number on your counter has to reflect the general health of your brain. 

If someone has been fapping to porn every other day for 6 months in a row...

Let’s say "person A" here has been binging to porn every other day for 6 months in a row, but now he has finally managed to get to day 7.

Well, do you really think that he is further ahead  in terms of rebooting health than you are just because your counter is now saying day 3?

You have all this clean stretch here with one small relapse here, and he has been binging like crazy for 6 months in a row. Obviously you are much much further ahead. 

So again, The counter doesn’t really tell you anything when it comes to your rebooting. 

And another thing, look at the screen again, your brain is to the left and your counter to the right—let’s say you are on day 24.

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If you relapse, the negative effects has already been done, no matter what you do to your counter... 

Ok, so let’s then say you have a strange kind of relapse where you just kept jerking it underwear models for 5 hours straight and not hardcore stuff and now you start wondering since it wasn’t hardcore, should I keep my counter going or should i reset.

Well, again, my answer would be, "Does it really matter?"

Because look at the screen again...

Whatever damage you did or didn’t do in those 5 hours is already done…no matter what number you put on your counter the day after that is going to change what already happened to your brain.

Time will heal...

Only time will do that.

This is what I mean by it doesn’t really matter what you do with your counter - and the takeaway message is going to be...

If you find that having a counter helps to motivate you then by all means keep having one. But do know that the counter is there to serve you and no one else. And don’t for one second think that the number you see on it is the end all be all when it comes to your rebooting brain status. 

If you need help with quitting porn...

Lastly if you keep relapsing then there is something I want to share with you.

Two weeks ago I installed a software called Covenant eyes, just so I could check it out carefully in order to see if this is something I could recommend to you guys and I have to say I like what I see. I actually paid for it myself just to check it out for you guys. 

Covenant eyes have two main functions...

  1. It is a porn blocker app.
  2. It monitors your screen activity on all your devices, sending a notification to your accountability buddy if you wonder of and start surfing on some erotic content. 

And the b part here is really what makes this software so powerful. This is really where it shines.

Yes, so in other words, you should ask a friend or a family member to be your ally, someone who is on your side helping you with this.

Personally made my best friend who’s living in Sweden my ally and I have to tell you guys I can really see how powerful this will be because, well, if you’re having urges and you start thinking about going to some nasty websites then you will definitely think twice about that because the software is going to take screenshots of your activity and send it to your accountability partner. 

Blurred screenshots...

Now, the screenshots that your ally gets are going to be blurred, but they show enough for him or her to see what you’re looking at. Your ally will then get a notification of any concerning activity so that he or she can call you and ask you how you are doing?

This is so powerful because, not only don’t you want to disappoint yourself by relapsing, but you don't want your ally to be disappointed in you either.

And of course, if you’re thinking about visiting some super weird categories, the thought of your accountability buddy seeing screenshots of exactly what kinds of nasty things you are watching is a major motivation for you to not even go there. 

Addiction thrives in secrecy...

Have you ever heard the line, addiction thrives in secrecy?

Well, that one is so true, and with covenant eyes you now have someone to stand in your corner as you’re fighting your rounds. 

Listen guys, I have so many times told you that relying on willpower is not enough, especially not in the beginning of your journey, and right now you have the opportunity to get the first 30-Days Free by using the promo code STRONGER when you sign up using the link right here.

I highly recommend this software guys. Take advantage of this opportunity. Sign up 30 days free right now to get the ball rolling so that you finally leave the pain behind for good.

Use the link down below, use the promo code stronger to get the first 30 days free and oh hey guys, if you can’t find a box for the promo code when signing up, don’t worry, that just means that it’s automatically added in there. 

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