Quitting porn / NoFap makes me feel worse (Here's Why)

porn-addiction quitting porn

Have you ever felt that quitting porn makes you feel worse?

Or that NoFap makes you feel bad?

Well, is so, this is the blog post for you.

Let's begin...

Quitting porn / NoFap makes me feel worse...

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

Today we are going to talk about why some people can start feeling really, really bad on NoFap and what to do about it

Alright and so, back to today's topic. 

Why do so many guys start feeling bad in the beginning of their NoFap journey? 

Well, if you start feeling really bad in the beginning of your NoFap journey then that is a pretty good indicator that you have developed addiction related brain changes, and that you are now suffering from withdrawal symptoms. 

Yes, you see, 30 years ago, just staying away from busting nuts for a period of time didn’t make the average man feel really bad, or fall into a flatline.

No, it is a new phenomenon that entered the picture when adult websites and high speed internet became a thing.

And so now you say, "Ok got, but why does it feel so bad then?"  

Well, good question and here’s the deal...

The brain interprets an addiction as something that is vital for survival...

Did you know that when you develop an addiction to something, and it doesn’t matter what you become addicted to, your brain actually interprets that thing to be absolutely vital for survival.

Yes, that’s right.

Even if it’s alcohol.

The addiction has hijacked the part of your brain that thinks you need it or else you'll die.

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Enter: panic mode...

Yes that’s right, your brain is now in some kind of panic or “survival mode”

It literally thinks you are in danger, and as a result, you can get all kinds of symptoms like...

  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • And you can even start shaking.

And if you still don’t give the brain what it thinks you need you can even become depressed for some time.

You need to step in and be a rock of security to yourself...

This is when you need to be strong and you have to be the one who steps in and takes control over the emotional part of your brain.

You have to become good at self-talk here and constantly tell yourself that, "Hey, everything is actually okay right now, and we do not need adult sites."

Even though it feels like I need them, I know it’s just a lie, trying to get me to go back to them.

You know, this comforting self-talk actually helps if you keep practicing it.

Now, of course it won't completely take away the pain, but it really does help.

If you feel worse after quitting porn - start taking long walks...

Another thing that helps is taking long walks.

At least 45 minutes, but preferably longer.

The cross movement you do when walking often changes your state and it is almost impossible to take a 90 minute walk and not feel better after you have done so.

Eat something...

Something else that many people are not aware of is that just eating something can actually help as well. And so now you say, what, how’s that even possible?

Think about it...

Remember how I said that your brain is in a panic, fight or flight mode?

Well, think of our caveman ancestors, you know, when running away from a bear and they were in fight or flight mode, what did they NOT do?

That’s right, they didn’t sit down and start eating a good meal.

So, by sitting down and eating a good healthy meal you are actually sending signals to your brain that everything is alright and there’s no need for fight and flight right now.

But make it a healthy and protein rich meal and do not make it some high carb, junk food, as that will only mess with your blood sugar and actually make it a lot worse after an hour or two.

Alright I hope you found this informative, this is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading!

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