PMO Addiction Relapse Lies (Your Brain Keeps Telling You)

porn relapse porn-addiction

Today we are going to talk about something important.

Well, it's important if you have a porn addiction, because the subject is: PMO addiction relapse lies

In other words, we are going to talk about that little voice you hear in the back of your head, getting you to act out your pmo addiction, that is.

Let's get started...

Porn Addiction relapse lies...

Scandinavian Bob here hi.

If you are rebooting or doing NoFap and you keep struggling with relapses, today’s video is going to be an important one for you. We are going to talk about lies that a part of your brain keeps telling you.

But listen to this first,

Understand this metafor...

During the Trojan war the Greeks wanted to take the independent city of Troy. The city was heavily guarded with big walls around it, but the Greeks did something very clever.

They built a gigantic wooden horse and hid a few elite soldiers inside. 

Then the Greeks wheeled the big horse up to the walls of the city, pretended to desert the war and sailed away with their boats.

A real trap...

 The people of Troy opened the gates and rushed outside, cheering their victory!

They dragged the heavy horse inside wanting to use it as a victory trophy and put it on display. 

Well… that night the Greek warriors emerged from it and opened the gates from inside, and during the night the Greek army had returned and could now rush in and take the city. 

It was a trick...but why did I tell  you this?

What is your PMO addiction Trojan horse?

Well, because YOUR brain is also trying to trick you.

This is especially true if you are addicted to pmo cause just like the Greek army, a part of your brain is going to come up with clever tricks in order to move you just one step closer to it, and once you open the gates...

...BAM, there it is...the relapse!

Now, we all have different brains and it is your job to identify the tricks your brain is trying to play on you, but just to make this a bit clearer here are a few examples of what they can look like…

Examples of PMO addiction lies...

So you are sitting there at the computer and suddenly a thought pops up from nowhere and you go…

...”Hmm...I wonder if such and such celebrity has ever made one of those infamous celebrity Sex tapes?”)...

And so you quickly enter it into google. 

You’re not going to watch online porn, you're just going to check this thing.... 

Yeah right, be honest now, why do you even need to know that?

You’re rebooting, you’re not supposed to be googling things that will inevitably lead you to a porn site, because you know as well as I do that once you start seeking, even if it’s just ONE thing, it’s already too late.

Because on that page you find your answer there will be some other triggers and you will click on them.

"Once you open the gate, you have lost the battle, just like in the story."

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Even stupid PMO addiction lies fool us...

Another lie could for example be…

”I'm just going to check what year, insert your favorite adult star, is born”...

Well again, you don’t need to know things like that.

Let all the guys who are not trying to overcome a pmo addiction google those kinds of questions.

Awareness is key!

Now, the challenge here is to become super aware of your thoughts and then learn what tricks your brain likes to play on you and write them down.

It sounds easy, but becoming aware of what we are thinking actually takes some effort because most of us are just letting our thoughts run without noticing them.

So, here’s what I recommend...

Observe your thoughts....get to know them...

As soon as this video is over, and for the next three days, make it your mission to frequently stop and observe your thoughts.

A few times every hour turn your focus to your thoughts and just observe them.

By doing this you will train yourself to become aware of your thoughts, and trust me when I say this...

Becoming mindful of your thoughts is one of the biggest keys to getting to know yourself and to stop relapsing forever!

If you don't listen, you don't get to know him...

Let me ask you this.

If you were to go to a party and you go up to someone and you start running your mouth, you just talk and talk for 10 minutes.... 

...sometimes the other guys tries to say something, but then you just talk louder without even listening to him.

In this case, did you learn anything? 

Did you get to know him? 

No, you didn’ just kept running your mouth.

If you don't observe your thoughts, you don't get to know YOURSELF...

Well, listen guys, what happens if you just let your thoughts run without listening to them. Well then you don’t get to know yourself. 

I hope you saw the connection there and remember now, as soon as this video is over; start observing your thoughts for the following three days.

And hey guys...if the mind is trying to play a trick on you…

...don’t open that gate!

Alright this Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, 

Thanks for reading!

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