Porn Addiction And FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)

pmo addiction porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you trying to stay away from porn?

But every now and you have this nagging sense that you are missing out on so much pleasure?

And that giving up porn isn't really worth it?

Well, if so, today's content is definitely for you.

Let's begin...

Porn Addiction And Fear Of Missing Out...

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

There are obviously hundreds of different things that can make guys relapse out there, and one of those things is "FOMO"

In other words, fear of missing out. 

This happens both on a conscious level, but also subconsciously.

Yes, we mistakenly think that we are missing out on so much pleasure by giving up adult sites, but we need to realize that that fear is such a lie.

That FOMO voice is a big fat lie...

This can be a real problem, and I’m not going to lie to you guys, I still to this day get struck by it myself. Those old sensitized pathways whispering, “Oh man, think of all that pleasure out there that could be yours.”

But, as I said, we shouldn't listen to it because here is the thing…

Consider the following scenario…

Person A, on the left, remains confined to his house, endlessly indulging in adult content throughout his life.

Meanwhile, Person B, on the right, is actively engaged in living a fulfilling, real-life experience. He's actually out there doing some living.

Now, as these men approach the final week of their lives, ponder this question: Who do you believe will carry the regret of having missed out on life's true experiences?

Putting it like this makes it kind of obvious right. It also makes it kind of sad. 

Now, the very nature of dopamine can be a bit FOMO driven. I mean you even have FOMO while you’re on those adult sites. 

You even have FOMO during a porn session...

Think about it, about 10 seconds after you started one video you start looking for another one, because hey, there might be something better out there…that you’re missing out on. 

Your brain wants you to find the perfect treasure of pleasure. The perfect video to finish on, which we all know doesn’t even exist, but how many of you recognize yourself in this when I say, you still keep clicking and clicking don’t you?

So whenever you are hit by a strong sense that you are missing out on all the pleasure, realize that it is a big fat lie and don’t listen to it. 

Quitting porn leads to MORE pleasure, not less...

In fact, by overindulging in a lot of cheap dopamine you become desensitized, which means you get a numb reward center and that will actually lead to less net pleasure in life. 

So that voice, telling you you’re missing out is wrong in so many ways. 

Guys, you have to think about your future self here. In fact, I’d like to end with the following words, 

Imaging reading a letter from your younger self saying

“I’m sorry I made your life a living hell, but I just cared more about instantly gratifying myself than I cared about you”

Ok, I hope this video made you see the FOMO lie with more clear eyes. 

And if you haven’t already I highly recommend you download my FREE 90 day no pmo advice and tool guide by using the link below.

This is not an online course, or anything big like that, but it’s a helpful PDF file with bullet points showing you where you will be during certain phases of your rebooting and what you should consider during those phases to make it easier for you.

For example, in week two it is typical to experience this, and in week four we often run into that and so on.  So grab it now, using the link right under the video.

You can grab the free guide here:

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks or less by Downloading my FREE guide below...

And speaking of being weeks into the reboot, have you seen the video where I share what happened to me once on day 52?

No, well if not, take a look right here, and you’ll discover something that’s both a bit funny and sad at the same time.

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, keep going strong, keep your head up  and keep being a dopamine focused warrior. 

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