Porn Addiction Lies To Avoid Falling For (Watch Out For These)

porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

What porn addiction lies are you telling yourself to justify a relapse? 

You see, every single one of us has this addiction voice inside our head, that is trying to fool us and break our own intentions in the heat of the moment.

The porn addiction voice inside your head...

Now, it does not happen with every relapse all the time, but it does happen often enough. 

And this doesn’t just happen with addictions, it can also happen before  we break our own intentions while on a strict diet for example. 

Write down your NoFap lies...

Ok, great, so I want you to recognize 1-3 big lies that you often fall for during your relapses and please write them down in the comment section below - because by doing this you will help not only yourself but you will also help others who are watching.

Awareness is key when it comes to overcoming porn addiction...

You see, just the act of writing this down, will help you become more aware of them in in the heat of the moment...

...and if you’ve been part of the NoFap journey for some time now, you have to agree on the fact that awareness is something we can not have to much of when it comes to breaking that autopilot mode that so often activates during a relapse. 

If you don’t want to write it down in the comment section, then at least write it down in your NoFap journal because trust me on this, this is something that will help you.

Examples of my own porn addiction lies...

As an example here I can share a couple of lies that I myself commonly fell for back when I was rebooting. Now my lies changed a bit over time, but three common ones were…

Porn Addiction Lie #1...

“Oh man, I’ve been living pretty unhealthy the last week or so..I drank some alcohol yesterday, and today I eat some junk food again…eh…I might as well relapse now and then I’ll start fresh tomorrow with a new, healthy streak where I really put my life in order.”

Now, one important thing to realize here is that this lie, or something similar, often started playing in my head after I was feeling urges.

When we are having porn cravings the addiction lie seems more real...

And it is always in that moment of already having urges when the lies suddenly seem more convincing.

We almost never start telling ourselves things like from a calm, rational, strong position.

This is why we need to recognize them in advance...

But the more we are aware of these lies in advance, then the easier it will be to view the lie for what it really is in the heat of the moment as well.

And this one is clearly a lie, because, in terms of relapsing, it doesn’t matter if I've been living unhealthy or not the weak leading up to now, stacking one bad thing on top of another bad thing doesn’t make it any better. In fact, it makes everything worse. 

Here’s another one...

Porn Addiction Lie #2...

“What difference does it make if I wire my brain to pixels on a screen or not? I  have so much social anxiety that I’m never going to be able to get a girlfriend again anyway, and I’m getting too old to change my situation anyway…I might as well keep enjoying whatever pleasure the internet has to offer”

Oh man, oh man... now how negative is that one?

But here’s the sad part, I often fell for it back in the day.

Again, in the heat of the moment, those lies can seem really convincing…

....unless you have written them down and analyzed them in advance.

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The addiction lie always has some truth to it...recognize it...

And even though the lie had some truth to it, yes, I had really bad social anxiety, and yes, it was almost impossible for me to go out and interact at the time.

But that didn’t mean that my situation would always look like that…

...and it didn’t because once I overcame my addiction my social anxiety also dropped significantly, so nowadays I no longer have any problems interacting with people. 

However, should I have kept listening to the lie, well, then I would still be stuck in my addiction, with severe anxiety and thus the lie would actually have become a self fulfilling prophecy.

No matter how bad the situation, it cal always get better...

But here’s the thing, even then it would have been a lie. Because it doesn’t matter how the situation looks,  it is always possible to improve at least somewhat upon it.

...or worse...

And one thing that is even more certain is  no matter how bad a situation is, it is always possible to make it worse. 

I like the way Jordan Peterson puts it,”there’s this idea that hell is a bottomless pit and that’s because, no matter how bad things are, some stupid son of a bitch like you can always figure out a way to make it a lot worse. 

Yeah I laughed so hard when I first heard him say that, because I recognized myself in that statement.

And the statement is so true…no matter our situation it is so easy to make it worse so we really have to avoid going down that road. 

Recognize and write down your lies - it will help you at least a bit on your mission, trying to stay away from those nasty porn relapses...

So, really take this seriously now and write down every porn addiction / NoFap lie you can think of, because it will be so helpful for you and again, please share at least one of them in the comment section below…

And speaking of bad situations and being stuck in life, if you feel stuck right now and all the self help content out here makes you totally overwhelmed, then take a look at a video I made about a year ago where I share the bare necessities that if you only were to do those, your life could look a whole lot different within just a year.

You can see that video right here.... 

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, and as always I wish you all the best in your journey to become the strongest version of yourself.

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