Overcoming Porn Addiction While Doing Other Unhealthy Things (Oh-No)

no pmo nofap porn-addiction quitting porn

Curious if it's possible to overcome a porn addiction while you keep clinging on to other low value dopamine activities in life?

Or, don't engage in any productive habits at all?

Well, it's certainly a big trap.

Let's talk about it...

Overcoming Porn Addiction While Doing Other Unhealthy Things

We all know by now that giving up fapping to adult sites is good for you and your self-development journey. So, NoFap is a good thing. But that's why it lies a sneaky mental trap as well. 

You see, some people then can start justifying doing other not so healthy things, and they mentally go something like, "Well, I'm doing so well on NoFap right now that who cares if I take a break from my physical exercise and eat junk food for a period?" 

The NoFap justification bias...

Let's just, for the sake of this video, call that phenomenon the NoFap Justification Bias. And that period can then become a period of weeks to months, and they continue to justify it by going, "The main thing is that I stay away from fapping to porn." 

Well, listen, guys, sure, that may or may not be the main thing in your life right now, but you still can't use that as justification to go full in other areas of your life.

As I said, this tends to happen on small-scale levels as well as on big-scale levels, and it seems to happen more to people who have an addictive personality type because they are already at risk of developing several addictions.

The risk of trading one addiction for another...

And then, when the NoFap Justification Bias sets in, and they start justifying, it's pretty easy for them to start trading one addiction for another.

  • Some may start playing five times more video games...
  • Others may start drinking more alcohol or start smoking...
  • Or they become really addicted to social media...
  • Or, God forbid, start doing heavier dangerous drugs...

If this happens as a consequence of the NoFap Justification Bias, then we can all agree that that's not good. 

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Addicted personality types would still be in danger, right?

Now, I'm sure one could argue that many who already have an addictive personality would still eventually fall down into other bad habits, and sure, for many, that indeed can occur. But that doesn't change the fact that the NoFap Justification Bias can be one factor setting off such a thing. 

So, that's why it's my responsibility to warn you against it. Also, keep in mind that the NoFap Justification Bias can happen on a smaller scale as well. Next Tuesday, for example, you can be thinking, "Oh man, I'm kicking ass at NoFap right now. I really need a reward." 

And so, you go out partying, get completely hammered, and then you're so hungover the following day, so you also skip your workout, and so on.

Now, if things like this happen once in a while, it's not that big of a deal, obviously. 

It's not black or white, though, It's a spectrum...

But it's a spectrum here, and all the way from these problem guys here to you missing one day of a workout here and there, the NoFap Justification Bias can be working on you somewhere in the middle, too, making you eat a few more donuts than what's good for you.

Or giving you a pass on working on your social skills so you stay stuck in your social anxiety problems, and on and on. 

NoFap is not the only thing in life...

Yeah, so avoid the trap of thinking NoFap is the only thing that matters in life and that just by doing that, I don't need to do anything else.

Or even worse, just by doing that, I can allow myself to do bad things. And speaking of dark sides of NoFap, there is one more super important thing about this that I shared in a video two years ago.

If you get stuck in that mental trap, oh man, then it could potentially hold you back several years in your rebooting. So please, please click on this post right here => Consider this if doing NoFap when single right now and you'll discover exactly what that other dark side is. So that you can then make sure to avoid it and have a good and healthy reboot. 

Thanks for reading!

-Scandinavian Bob

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