NoFap Woman Attraction - Is it Real? (My Experience)

nofap benefits quitting porn semen retention

Are you curious about NoFap woman attraction?

Wondering if this whole NoFap attraction things is real or if it's just a bunch of nonsense?

Well, if so you have come to the right place, because today I'm going to share my experience with the NoFap attraction phenomenon.

NoFap Woman Attraction - Is it Real?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

Today I’m on day 29 of a 140 day semen retention challenge. By the way, if you’re new to my channel, just so you know semen retention is not something you have to do in order to give up a porn addiction.

It’s now more than 4 years since I last watched porn and I'm personally just doing this retention thing as a fun challenge from time to time plus it seems to give me a bit of extra energy and drive which I kind of like.

Anyway I would like to share something strange that happened to me on day 23 of this recent retention challenge.

What is NoFap attraction?

Now, you may have heard about something called NoFap attraction. It’s a phenomenon where guys who quit using porn and who take a break from busting nuts suddenly find that people are responding to them differently and some even say that girls start giving them an unnatural amount of attention and that there is suddenly some kind of attraction phenomenon going on. 

Well, listen, if you’re new to this, then don’t freak out here because I am not going to claim anything in this video, but I just have to share what happened to me last Thursday.

My experience with the NoFap attraction phenomenon...

So on Thursday afternoon I went out grocery shopping and before I went into the food section of the mall I decided to recycle some empty soda bottles. So, as I stood there and was feeding the bottles into the recycling machine I noticed this middle aged lady about 4 meters to the right of me also recycling bottles and she was looking right towards me. 

I didn’t pay any attention to her at all, but after a while I looked to my right again and this time she smiled at me and nodded slightly. I nodded back and didn’t think much of it. After a little while I once more looked to my right and this woman just kept staring at me and it was clear that she wanted me to say something to her. 

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But I was not out to seek connection at all, I just wanted to mind my own business so once I was done with the recycling I entered the mall and didn’t think more of it. But right away as I entered the mall I met two girls who looked straight at me and both of them gave me a warm smile. 

I kept on going, passing a few more people when a man suddenly looked straight at me and nodded his head slightly as in a respectful nod…and then just a few meters after that a 30 year old, something, woman looked straight at me and gave me a shy smile.

It was like I was an 'attention magnet'...

Now, by now I started feeling weird because you have to understand, in my country it’s not really normal to make eye contact with strangers this often. I mean, sure it happens from time to time, but now it seemed to happen every 10 meters or so, I mean what the heck.

This kept on happening during my entire stay at the mall. Now, I am not a good looking man. I would rate myself average at best so I kid you now, when I passed the clothing section I actually had to check in a mirror if  something was wrong with me. Like, did I have my jacket on inside out or did I have something on my face that people were half laughing at. But no, I couldn’t see anything special.

I couldn't understand it...

And here’s the thing I didn’t even remember that I was doing my semen retention challenge until halfway into my shopping when I suddenly remembered and I went…I’ll be damned, is there really something to this retention attraction phenomenon? 

Now, I have been experiencing it before during some of my retention streaks over the years, but not like this day. I know this sounds so strange but it was like I was some kind of attention magnet, even though I wasn’t doing anything.

Is dopamine involved in the NoFap attraction phenomenon?

I am starting to believe that the more dopamine healthy you are, the stronger this phenomenon can become. And the thing is, I have been doing a lot of shorter dopamine fasting protocols lately as well as meditating, doing a lot of cardio  and taking a lot of ice cold showers.

But man, that day, people were just looking at me, both men and women.

Now, I am not saying that the girls who were looking at me did so because they were interested in me and wanted something to happen. In fact, I am not claiming anything here. I am just saying that that day I suddenly got WAY more attention than ever gotten from just walking out in public before. 

I wasn't even trying to get attention...

Even after I had paid for my food and was walking out of the mall this very good looking woman just locked eyes with me almost in a sexually provoking way and again, I didn’t talk to her or anyone, was just out minding my own business because I didn’t even feel like being social.

Now, to be perfectly honest here, In the car on my way home I started thinking that maybe I shouldn’t even share this with my subscribers. 


I'm not really comfortable talking about the NoFap attraction thing...

Well, because I’m a middle aged man and I just think things like this sound so, you know, naive. I’m the kind of guy who has both feet on the ground and, you know, easily cringes when he hears you know things that can be considered a bit woo woo or out there so I don’t feel comfortable talking about it. But at the same time, I can’t deny what happened. 

But here's the thing...

 I’m not claiming anything here. I’m fully aware of the fact that it may all have been just a coincidence. That all of those people just happened to look my way, but man…they were so many…and you know it felt really really strange. 

Anyway I have talked about the NoFap attraction phenomenon on my channel before. I have even made a two part video series where I try to speculate on what the heck could be going on with that. And I’ll link to that in a moment. 

But how are you guys doing on your challenge?

Are you going strong or are you struggling?

Please share what day you’re on in the comment section below. Also, please share if you experienced anything like I just shared in today’s video because I’m sure people would love to read things like that.

Ok, and, so if relapses are preventing you from even getting past a few weeks in order to start experiencing different kinds of benefits then make sure to download my free 90 day no pmo advice and tool guide, using the link under the video. 

And about the nofap attraction phenomenon, you can see the video series I mentioned about that right here.

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