NoFap When Not Motivated (Staying Motivated When Quitting Porn)

nofap porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you having problems with motivation during your NoFap / pmo reboot?

Are you trying to quit using porn, but you struggle with keeping the motivation high?

If so, I've got good and bad news...

NoFap When Not Motivated - Staying Motivated When Quitting Porn

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

As you know I get a lot of emails from guys doing NoFap and a common theme I see when I read them is something like this…

I think I'm doing a pretty good job at rebooting when things go well in my life, but if I have a bad day I tend to relapse. Could you please talk a bit about this?

Ok, guys. What you are writing there is...well, that's life.

Everything becomes harder when we have bad days...

Look, it's not just rebooting that's harder when we have bad days, but everything becomes harder when things are not going our way.

That's just life, man, but we still keep going.

In fact, see those words, not going our way? 

Think of a sailing boat, if the wind is not going in the direction that the captain wants to sail, will it be harder or easier for him? 

But we can still do it...

Of course it's going to be harder, but with time he will learn how to master the art of reaching his destination anyway. Sure it takes more skill and effort then, but he can still do it. 

I've talked about this before, and I really want you to listen carefully now, because I'm going to give you the secret here. 

If you can learn to adapt a warrior's mindset and find glory in the suffering, you will become unstoppable.

In fact, I'm going to make a video in the near future on exactly what happens on a neurobiological level in the brain when you do that, but for now just know that, yes, there is in fact science behind it.

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If you can flip it and find glory in the suffering, you'll become unstoppable...

Look, just on a real basic level it also makes sense, right?

If you're afraid of challenges and pain to the point of avoiding it or trying to escape, well of course that's going to make both you and your results shaky when you encounter it. 

On the other hand, if you understand that hard times actually make you grow stronger, you really believe it, and you're longing for that strength - well then you attack those challenges and you even want to feel the effort. 

Look at hard days as dumbbells in the gym...

You know that hard days are like dumbbells in the gym, but for your mental strength, instead of your biceps.

Again, if you can see it this way you become unstoppable, because then you will keep going no matter if it's storming or not.  

You WANT to grow stronger so you keep going no matter if you're having a bad day or not.

Listen, it's not when the sun is shining and the birds are singing that you need to be a rebooting warrior because it's pretty easy then. 

You can't be motivated during every day of your NoFap journey...

No, it's on those hardest days that you grow. It's what you are doing in your darkest moments that really matters and not only that, when all hell is breaking loose you then get to show what you are made of. 

Find glory in that man. Find glory in the suffering.

Not because suffering is good in and of itself, but because suffering in combination with the right mindset will make you strong above and beyond this world.

So to hell with motivation.

Make it about your identity...

Make it about your identity instead. 

Think of yourself as a warrior. A warrior that keeps going no matter how the odds may be stacked against him, not because he is foolish or naive, but because it's his way of life. 

He keeps trying, fighting, pushing and grinding even on those bad days when there is no motivation to be found at all...because that's just the way he is.

I want the best for you guys and...I really hope that helps at least a bit.

Stay strong now.

-Scandinavian Bob

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