NoFap - How To Get Back On Track When Your'e Stuck In A Relapse Cycle

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Are you stuck on  a relapse cycle on NoFap?

Are stuck in a cycle of binge relapsing?

How do you get back on track if you're stuck on NoFap?

If those are questions you've ever asked yourself, then read this blog post. Or, watch and listen to the video.

Have you ever been on a good streak, things are going well and it is like you are sailing on that streak with good motivation, but then you slip and there it is...

...the horrible relapse?

Then you try not to binge but it is like you lost all your motivation and so now your relapse again the next day, then you manage to go one day clean, but then AGAIN you relapse the day after that. 

And so Now you are stuck in a relapse cycle and don’t know how to get back on track.

 Does this sound familiar to you?

Well, here's what to do...

Shorten your time frame...

When you are stuck in a relapse cycle the motivation you had when you were riding on that streak is gone. 

The first thing you want to do right now  is to temporarily forget about your 90 day goal  and shorten your time frame.

Right now you are in a state of mind when everything seems overwhelming and your ONLY goal right now should be to just get the momentum going again.

This takes about 4 days. 

So, make 4 days your new big goal and now you have to make a mindset-shift and really try to adapt a warrior’s mindset...

...and I’ll explain what I mean by this in the next step.

Find glory in the suffering...

When you are on a good streak you feel good about yourself.

You feel the benefits, you feel that you are doing something good and you find glory in being a NoFap warrior.

Then when you relapse and get stuck in the cycle of hell it is like you lose that fighting spirit. This is because being down at the bottom is such a big contrast from when you were riding on your streak. 

And you know what your brain does in a situation like this. It makes you feel sorry for yourself and adapt a victim mindset. 

Now, why would the brain do that? 

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Feeling sorry for yourself is a form of comfort / coping mechanism...

Well, listen, now that you don’t have that streak any longer the only way to make you feel at least a little better is to feel sorry for yourself. Because feeling sorry for ourselves is what we call “a comforting behavior”.

I used to do this myself back when I was  struggling so I’m not pointing any fingers here. Comfort behaviors remind us of when we were children and our mother took care of us, you know, tucked us into bed...

...and things felt ok.

So, in a twisted way, it makes us feel better as we stand there on day 0, wallowing in self pity.

The problem is, now you are stuck in the comfort mindset and that mindset is almost the opposite of the warrior mindset. 

Shift your mindset...

So, now what you have to do is to shift your focus away from feeling sorry for yourself because of the suffering and instead find glory in the suffering and which is having a warrior mindset.  

This will bring back the fighting spirit you need to get back on track.

You need to shift your thoughts to, “Yes, these 4 days are going to be hell, but it is not when the birds are singing and everything is going well when the warrior gets to show what he is made of!"

Heck, we don’t even need to be a warrior then.

No, it is in his darkest moments, when all hell breaks loose, that the warrior grows and becomes stronger than ever.

Warriors are not born, they create themselves through pain and suffering, through trial and error.

So, you have to pick up your suffering and bear it  - and then you keep going in the face of that!

Know that when things are rough any man can wimp out and feel sorry for himself, that doesn’t take any strength, but it takes a warrior to keep going in the face of that suffering.

By realizing that, it is possible to actually find glory in the pain. 

And as soon as you find glory in the pain, your motivation and fighting spirit is back.

Let me ask you, which mindset do you think is better for getting past those first 4 days?

  • The comfort mindset?
  • The fighting spirit? 

Well, I think we all know the answer to that.

If never face tough times, we remain soft. 

So, when you are stuck in a relapse cycle, things are bad and burdens in life weigh you down, smile. Smile, because this is it...

...this is YOUR opportunity to fight and grow stronger. 

This, my friend is how to get back on track, when you're stuck in NoFap relapses.

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