Is NoFap Hard Mode The Best Mode? (Hardmode vs Soft Mode)

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 Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the text...

Curious about NoFap hardmode?

If NoFap hard more is the best or only way to go about it?

What's the difference between NoFap hardmode vs soft mode?

Well, let's take a look...

Is NoFap Hard Mode The Best Mode?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

I hope you’re doing great today.

So let’s talk a bit about this. You have probably heard about the different NoFap modes out there. NoFap hard mode, soft mode, normal mode and to be honest I actually hate all those categorizations.


I hate the categorization...

Because they tend to cause dogmatic thinking, you know as in this is the only undeniably truth. No, listen, it’s always up to the individual and his goals.

And also, people's lives are not static. People's lives change and so do their goals. 

NoFap soft mode vs NoFap hard mode...

Now, if you are not familiar with the modes, I think soft mode simply means no porn. And then normal mode means no adult sites and no busting with yourself, but you can ejaculate when being intimate, and then NoFap hardmode means no porn and no ejaculations whatsoever.

Wet dreams don't count...

Unless it’s a wet dream, since obviously, we have no control over those.

Oh, God... I’m so annoyed at those names that I’m not even sure that’s what they mean.

You see, that’s the other thing about internet names like that, on some forum they mean one thing and on another something else, 

Ok ok, but sure I do have some opinions on this and here’s the deal.

My opinion of NoFap hard mode...

As you know I was addicted to porn myself, so the biggest reason for me making NoFap videos is that I want to inform the people out there of the negative effects of overusing super stimuli, like online porn.

So, if we look at the modes like a pyramid, I would put the no porn as a base here, because if you have an addiction to that, your life can not be as good as it otherwise would be.

Porn addiction cause a numb dopamine system...

Because your dopamine / reward system is too numb from all the overuse.

And I’m speaking from experience here. A numb reward system means less enjoyment from everything in life, all those small things that otherwise would make you feel that child-like excitement means nothing for you anymore.

You have less energy, and much less motivation and drive. 

Ok ok, you all know about that already.

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Getting rid of the porn will give you 90% of the benefits right there...

So, I would say, this is 90% right here.

If you could just get rid of this, you’re already doing better than most people out there.

Especially if you’re addicted to it, then you need to do whatever it takes to get it handled. 

Then the rest of the pyramid is going to depend on the individual and also on what goals he has.

What kind of NoFap mode depends on your personal goals...

Is it possible to overcome a porn addiction if you only do soft-mode? 

Yes it is.

A lot of guys are doing that, however, not everyone will be able to do that. Many of them will have to at least temporarily also give up masturbation in order to succeed. 

These are often guys who started very young and so they got so used to masturbating while using their phone that just the act of masturbating alone reminds their brain too much of the screen, and just makes them fall back to using the screen again.

So, as you can see, it depends on the person. 

NoFap for other reasons...

Now then we have NoFap for guys who do it for other reasons as well. 

Well, personally I think that most men out there would benefit from doing a nofap hardmode challenge at least once in their life, even those who are not addicted. 

Every guy would benefit from at least trying NoFap hardmode once in their life...

Why, well, because you grow so much as a person because let’s face it. It’s not easy. So in order to make it you will have to dig deep inside yourself and learn how to bring out your inner warrior. 

And of course mastering something difficult like that will have a massive carry over effect into every area of your life.

Now, do they have to stay on hardmode forever?

Do they have to stay on NoFap hardmode forever?

No, they do no,again, no one has to do anything. 

They can if they like.

But again, as far as where the biggest benefits lie, well that’s getting rid of the porn, as that one is really something I recommend you should stay away from for the rest of your life.

But other than that, as far as the rest of the benefits go, that’s totally up to you, man.

Maybe you'll do different modes in different periods of your life...

Maybe you’ll do one mode in one period of your life and another in another period, hey, that sounds all good to me. You have to look deep inside yourself and find your own path.

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