I Feel Better After I Watch Porn? ( Good After Porn / NoFap Relapse?)

porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Wondering how come you feel better after watching porn?

Or how come you feel better after you relapse to porn, even though you're trying to quit?

Or why you feel better after having a NoFap relapse?

Well, there's a reason for why a lot of guys do, and you are about to discover what that reason is.

If you really think that you actually feel good after a pron relapse, and that that's you "normal" state you might want to...well, let's just get to the article, shall we...

I Feel Better After I watch Porn? ( Good After Porn / NoFap Relapse?)

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

I sometimes get the question, "How come I sometimes feel better the day after a porn relapse? I guess since I’m feeling better it can’t be that bad for you, right?

Well, there could be a few things going on here. 

First, as you guys know, if you have developed a porn addiction to porn most guys actually feel worse right after quitting. 

A graph reveals why you feel better after a porn relapse...

Now, it doesn’t look exactly like this for everyone, but for most guys, since they are addicted they start a bit below baseline

And then it takes a little while before it drops, and they start feeling even worse. In fact much worse.

So, let’s say they are on day 9 here (see video), and they are deep down and are feeling really bad.

Well guys, that’s the withdrawals!

Most people suffer from some form of withdrawals after quitting any addiction, not just PMO addiction.

So, if you then relapse on day 9 and you feel, "Hey the relapse actually made me feel better", well then that’s probably just because you went back to here (see video), so the feel good feeling is actually only an absence of your withdrawal symptoms.

The reasons you feel better after a NoFap relapse is probably due to a transient absence of withdrawals...

And I have often said in both my videos and in my 90 No PMO Advice and tool guide that day 1 is often not that bad. By the way, if you want to get my 90 Day guide you can download it for FREE, there’s a link  to it under the video.

Yeah, so this is what I suspect is going on most of the time if you feel better after relapsing to porn, or if you feel better after a NoFap relaps. However you wanna put it.

But what if you are not addicted and you relapse just to masturbation...

What if you then feel better?

What could be going on then?

Well, here you have to understand that we are all different.

We are all different when it comes to semen retention benefits...

Some guys feel best with as little busting as possible, so they are constantly on retention.

And that’s cool, but there are actually guys who feel even better if they do retention in cycles.

And a typical cycle can be something like one day of busting...

  • Every 30 days.
  • Every 60 days.
  • Ever 90 days.

Now listen up here, I’m not saying you belong in that group, but there are indeed a lot of guys who do, and we are not talking about busting to adult sites here. But those who do better with retention cycles bust either with a real partner or by masturbating without porn.

You see, you have to remember that busting is a normal biological mechanism, because the capability to do so is built into us.

Today's online porn is not normal. In fact, it is a supernormal stimulus...

However, today’s super stimulating online porn sites are not normal. They are what biologists call supernormal stimuli. 

And that is the very definition of not normal, because it simply means something that is much more stimulating for the brain's reward system than what you can ever find in nature.

So, it’s so much more stimulating than being intimate with a real life partner.

Just think about it...

"In one adult site session you can see more hot babes than your ancestors could do in several lifetimes. And you can click from scene to scene, fast forwarding between all kinds of all kinds of categories and here’s the real killer, with endless novelty".

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

Novelty gets the dopamine going...

Now, novelty really gets the dopamine going and that is what’s driving you to keep clicking.

And, of course, in real life you can’t click to another partner in the middle of your love making. That’s just impossible. So online porn and love making are two different worlds.

But anyway,  those are two things that could be going on for those who feel better after a porn relapse.

Remember now, I have no idea in what group you belong, you might do better with retention in cycles or you might do best with as little busting as possible. And that is totally up to you to decide. 

I hope you found it informative and again, if you want my 90 day pmo advice and tool guide you can download it for free by using the link right here.

Thanks for reading.

-Scandinavian Bob

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