I Can't Do Semen Retention Because Of My Porn Addiction (Solution)

porn-addiction semen retention

Are you trying to do semen retention, but you keep relapsing because of the porn?

Well if so, this is the post for you.

Let's get to it....

I Can't Do Semen Retention Because Of Porn

Scandinavian Bob here. Hi!

So, before I even begin today, what I'm about to say is not for everyone, just so you know. But it works for some people, many people.

Some people only want to quit the porn...

Many who are addicted to porn don't care about semen retention; they just want to get rid of their porn addiction.

You know what? That's totally fine. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: you don't have to do semen retention if you don't want to.

Others want to do semen retention, but keep relapsing to porn...

But then there are also many people out there who, for whatever reason, want to retain for as long as possible. That's their goal, and it's really important for them. And that's also fine. Whatever goal you have, don't let anyone else tell you that it's somehow wrong.

Right now, many of the guys who really want to stay on semen retention keep relapsing because they are addicted to porn.

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The dopamine craving for porn makes the relapse with a relapse as well...

So, it's not so much the pressure or the need to release that's getting in their way, well, it can be that too. But for some people, it's more the craving for porn, and then when they fall for that porn craving one night, they obviously also "bust a nut" while they're at it, most of the time, not always.

So, if this is you, here is something for you to consider.

Why not quit porn first - then tackle semen retention...

During my one-on-one coaching sessions, I have coached several people who have this very problem, and for many of them, it actually helps if they first try to just focus on getting rid of the porn addiction. And then, once they have conquered that, it will be much easier for them to do semen retention as well.

So, if you have tried for a very long time and you keep getting nowhere, why not try to give yourself permission to release every time you feel the pressure? But then do so without the porn.

Your porn cravings will become less intense...

And then, once you have made it to 90 days without porn, the porn craving should now be so low and almost non-existent that you can then go full retention mode if you want to after that.

Again, this doesn't work for everyone who wants to do retention, but I have seen it work for a lot of people. So I just wanted to put this out there for people to consider.

If you're one of those guys who have been trying and trying without getting anywhere, maybe for years.

It's the same with everything in life...

I mean it's like this with everything in life, if we always keep failing, we need to look at what we're doing and try a different approach.

And if that approach doesn't work, well, then at least you've learned something and perhaps discovered some other way forward because of that.

Alright, and if you need help with the porn, then make sure to download my 90-day No Porn Advice and Tool Guide using the link below. It's not a big eBook or course or anything like that, but it's a very easy-to-read PDF file, almost like in bullet point form, giving you helpful and clever tips.

Here is the guide...

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks or less by Downloading my FREE guide below...


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