How To Stay Committed When Quitting Porn (Motivation Here)

no pmo porn-addiction quitting porn

Wondering how to stay committed when trying to quit porn?

How to stay motivated?

Well, here's a little NoFap / no porn motivation for you...

How to stay committed when quitting porn

Scandinavian Bob here hi, are interested in NoFap and you have been trying it out for quite some time now, but you keep relapsing huh?

Well, I have news for you; most people relapse, NoFap isn’t easy and you’re a human being.

How’s that for news?

But part of being human is also having a human psyche. And many guys keep falling because of how our mind works.

You see, many guys can’t really let go of their old life.

Can you let go of your old life?

They can not comprehend, or shall we say, fully and 100% completely accept the idea of never again watching online porn.

Even if they want to quit there’s still a small part deep inside somewhere that hasn’t fully accepted a no porn lifestyle.

And this is understandable because, well let’s face it, you have had many pleasurable moments there with your favorite porn sites.

It’s actually been a pretty big part of your life, and when having to give up something like that, a part of us doesn’t want to accept it at first.

It's hard to fully accept at first...

It’s kind of like when you and your girlfriend decides to break up because you both know that what’s best for you, but you still feel very sad about it and maybe you still end up going back a few times, being intimate with each other after the break up, just because well letting go is not easy. 

The same goes with losing a loved one to an illness for example, the first stage of grief is actually denial. Your brain just can’t accept it. 

And when it comes to online porn, this phenomenon can be particularly strong because remember, for your brain survival and reproduction is the number one priority.

Your brain thinks you have hit the evolutionary jackpot...

And the part of your brain responsible for reproduction thinks you have a girlfriend there, in your computer.

Or even better, not just one girlfriend, but hundreds - even  thousands of them. Man, you have hit the evolutionary jackpot and you have a whole harem there. 

Of course the primitive part of your brain is going to protest violently when you try to give up all that perfect opportunity to spread your genes.

Of course a small part of you is going to have a hard time fully letting go.

But here’s a thought experiment for you...

If giving it up forever sounds just too daunting for you, what would happen if you told yourself... 

Ok, I’m going to commit to  NoFap for a full year, and if I don't like the changes I can always go back to my beloved porn and make up for it later.

It's not like they are going anywhere. 

Now, what if that one year turned out to be the strangest year of your life?

What if during the first few weeks you felt pretty bad about it, but then one amazing thing after the other started to manifest in your life?

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...

To stay committed when quitting porn, you need to fully let go. At least for a while and treat is as an exciting experiment...

For example one quote that Gary Wilson reads in his Ted talk is from a guy saying the following...

“I feel like the next Sir Isaac Newton or Leonardo da Vinci. Since I quit a month ago I’ve literally started a business, taken up piano, been studying French every day, been programming, drawing...and have more awesome ideas than what I know what to do with…”

Being excited about the potential benefits will help you with stay committed to quit your porn use...

What if things like that started happening to you?

What if that one year would make you start noticing real life women more and they started noticing you?

What if sometime during that year, you started noticing that all it takes to get this amazing warm feeling in your stomach is a smile from a normal looking girl at the grocery store?

And what if you during that one year started experiencing this child-like excitement for life you had when you were 9 years old again?

With sharp senses and a hunger for life?

Like the movie of your life now was playing in high definition, and you had been given the best seat in the house...

...front row center!

What do you think the risks of giving up porn really are? 

And when that strange and magical year came to an end, do you really think you would regret that you fully committed to it?

Would you then regret that year and start saying “Man, I wasted a whole year, missing out on so many new videos from my favorite porn star!”...

..."and besides, since everything we do in life echoes in eternity it’s important that I support the right guys, so I’m going back to supporting the adult industry. At least then I’ll do something worthwhile with my brief time here on earth."

After that year, would you really say those things?

And would you choose to go back?

Life reflects the choices you make...

Remember guys, everything in life is a reflection of choices you have made.

If you want a different life...make a different choice.   

Alright, thanks for watching and if you want to help me grow this channel and be a part of  spreading these kinds of messages you can always buy me a coffee. There is a link to that donation site right here.

And as always, I wish you all the best in your journey to become the strongest version of yourself.

Thanks for reading!

-Scandinavian Bob

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