How To Not Relapse Back To Porn (7 Traps on Your Journey)

porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you trying to quit visiting certain naughty websites?

And now you're wondering how to not relapse back to porn when the going gets tough?

Well today we are going to take a look at 7 traps on your journey.

And some of these could seriously be holding you back, so make sure to stay with mere here.

How To Not Relapse Back To Porn

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Let’s talk about 7 things that can significantly increase your risk of relapsing back to porn. And these are things that affect your brain.

Yes, so you need to know all of these because if you don’t you could really be making it more difficult for you than it needs to be.

#1 Low omega 3 levels...

Yes, this one is interesting.

A study conducted in 2003 showed that low levels of omega 3 levels increased relapses in people with a drug addiction.

The researchers took a look at addicts omega 3 levels shortly after admission to a treatment program.

Then they followed up on them after the program, by retesting omega 3 levels, and assessing relapse status at intervals of 3 - 6 and 12 months after the program.

And they found that those who had relapsed by the 3 month mark had significantly lower baseline levels of omega 3, compared to those who had not relapsed and the same was also true at the 6 and 12 month mark.

And if you now say, "Yeah yeah, but that was addiction to drugs and not pmo",  then you should know that all addictions share similar fundamental brain changes.

Yeah, so to make sure you get enough omega 3 eat plenty of the following foods.

  • Avocados 
  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Walnuts
  • Olive oil

You could of course also add a good omega 3 supplement to your NoFap regimen.

I can tell you that, when I heard about that study last week I personally started increasing my intake of omega 3, because, well I want to do everything in my power to avoid relapsing back to porn.

#2 Caffeine can be another porn relapse trap (for some people)...

Yes, this one is a bit of a bummer - and before you start jumping up and down in anger, you should know that this one seems to affect people differently.

Some people can handle it with no problem, but for others caffeine does indeed increase the risk of relapsing back to porn.

So, how can this be?

Well, You see caffeine is a stimulant that can trigger cravings for other addictive things and behaviors. It also reduces blood flow to the brain making some people struggle more with self-control.

Again, this one affects us all differently, and yes, I have to admit that I myself did drink coffee during my whole porn reboot. And I still do, so maybe it didn’t affect me as much, but coffee do increase my anxiety.

And you all know that I struggled for years with porn relapses before I finally became free, so maybe my recovery would have been faster if I had stayed clear of caffeine, who knows.

#3 Sugar increase the risk of relapsing back to porn...

This is a big one.

Eating a lot of sugar significantly increases the relapse risk for any addiction.

First, because it wakes your sleeping dopamine bear, so that it starts going on a rampage looking for more dopamine, in whatever form.

And second, one hour after eating it, your blood sugar has crashed and can you guess at what point we have the absolute worst control over our behaviors?

That’s right, when our blood sugar has crashed down below baseline.

Now, don’t confuse this with steady - low levels- which you can have if you are intermittent fasting for example. It is when they come crashing down AFTER having been sky high that this lack of self-control happens. 

# 4 Lack of sleep...

This is also a big one.

Lack of sleep has been shown to significantly reduce your willpower and impair your judgment.

Your brain is just not operating on an optimal level after a night of poor sleep. And this has obviously a huge impact on how strong you will stay on your streak.

So, do your best to go to bed at a reasonable time and take your sleep seriously.

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# 5 Lack of exercise or perhaps a better way to put it is “inactivity”

If you are sitting too much and you don’t get enough movement in your life, basically if you’re too inactive, you will have less blood flow to your brain and to your prefrontal cortex. Which is THE very control center in your brain.

A direct result of this is less willpower, less self control.

I have been preaching this for a long time, but one more time; I really hope all of my subscribers are doing at least some form of physical exercise.

Please comment in the comment section below and tell me what kind of exercise you do, and I really hope to see as many of you as possible write something.

if you don’t exercise, then start today, and then you too can comment below.

#6 Breaking your own intentions will make it more likely that you start relapsing back to porn...

Yes, this is a behavior problem that is worse than you think.

If you always break your own intentions with other small goals you set for yourself, then you are feeding an identity of that of a person who can never stick to anything.

We become what we feed, and your identity will then start dictating how you behave in all areas of your life.

And let me ask you, if you have an identity of that of a person who often breaks his own intentions, what else could such a person easily break?

Well that’s right, he could easily break his own promise to stay away from porn.

So,  always do what you set out to do.

It is much better to lower the bar in the beginning in order to not break your own promises than to be too ambitious and start breaking your own promises.

Start slowly and build up, and hey, if you set your alarm to go off at 7 in the morning. Don’t snooze, because if you do, you have already started your day by breaking your own intention.

#7 Stress increases risk of relapsing to porn...

Stress is perhaps THE biggest hurdle on any addict's road to recovery.

It is mentioned again and again in all the addiction literature and you should really take it seriously.

For example, if you know you are going to have a super stressful day on Wednesday, then try to figure out steps you can take to avoid relapsing that day.

And you should obviously also do thing to try to reduce your body's response to the stress.

Like for example deliberately try to breath slower and deeper, and take frequent breaks where you try to relax as much as possible and so on.

Does Alcohol increase risk of relapsing to porn?

Now, I didn’t include alcohol on this list because that one is just so bloody obvious that I didn’t think it was necessary.

You already know that drinking increases your risk of relapsing.

For many guys, a moderate amount can be fine, but for others even that makes them relapse. So, if you drink, make sure you pay careful attention to how you react and be careful.

Alright and before I go, I would like to remind you guys of my website that is all about living a pmo free lifestyle. It has free articles and all kinds of helpful tools and tricks  that I can’t share here on YouTube due to the adult nature of it.

So, if you are struggling with things related to you know low drive in the bedroom or a never ending flatline, or pretty much anything related to your pmo reboot,  including relapses you will be able to find helpful tips over there.

Just go to pmo flatline and you will find it there.

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today. Consider subscribing for more helpful videos, and as always, I wish you all the best in your journey to become the strongest version of yourself.

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