How To Feel Less Lonely On NoFap (Consider This)


Are you feeling lonely on NoFap right now? And are you wondering how to feel less lonely on NoFap?

Well, if so, take a look at today's video. 

It might just give you a big "aha moment".

How To Feel Less Lonely On NoFap

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

A few weeks ago we talked a bit about how many guys feel lonely on NoFap.

I gave you some good advice on what to do about it, and I’ll link to that video at the end of this one, but today I’m going to give you something else to consider for a while.

Something a bit deeper.

Are you a judgemental person?

If you often feel lonely, ask yourself this question...

  • Am I a very judgemental person?” 
  • “Am I  judging others more than I should?”

And so now some of you say...

"Ok Bob, that’s it! You’ve been pretty good so far, but now you’re way out of line. How could that possibly have anything to do with me feeling lonely?"

Well, good question, and here’s the deal…

Just think about it... 

When you see someone doing, or saying, something that you don’t really agree with, you kind of roll your eyes and often think, "Thank God I'm not like them."

Sometimes you say something to them, but you can just as well do this without saying it to them.

You know, you just judge them inside your own head, because hey, that feels kind of good at the moment.

And this is because by doing so you feel that you get to put yourself above them. 

Well, congratulations genius!

By judging you distance yourself from them...

But if you're so smart, you should also be able to figure out what can happen to you on a psychological level here.

By putting yourself above someone, you distance yourself from them.

You separate yourself from them.

And what does separate mean?

Well, in the dictionary it’s defined as forming or viewed as a unit apart or by itself.”

Hello! That’s you being lonely!

Aaahh...yeah that’s right. 

But I don't judge my friends...

Perhaps some of you now go, "But I don’t judge my friends"


What about your friends who are not doing NoFap?

Do you judge them?

Perhaps you shouldn’t be so quick to do so. 

We all judge people more or less, and I do it too so I’m not pointing fingers, but the point is; we can always work on ourselves and try to do it less.

But again, everyone judges at least a little.

In fact, if someone were to tell you “ Well I get the problem with this, so I’m not judging at all”

Well, then you get to call him out on it and say “Ah, so you’re above others then, right?”

The very fact that he said that could be a testament to him separating himself.

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A guy from my former workplace...

In my former workplace there was a guy who often suffered from depression.

And he told me that the reason for his depression was because he often felt so lonely.

But then almost every time he came and talked to me he was complaining about some colleagues and pointed out everything wrong with them.

One time I got so annoyed with him that I couldn’t stay polite any longer and just told him “Yeah people suck. So being perfect like you must be very lonely, right?”

I don’t know if my comment hit home, but I suspect it made him think a bit. 

Did I judge him, then?

Now, did I judge him for being that way?

Yes, a bit. I did it just now, so as you see, this is a difficult thing to handle. And there's no doubt every single one of us could start practicing becoming more understanding and having more compassion. 

Now, I know this video didn’t give you the usual concrete advice, but I still hope it gave you something to consider. If you want a more easy to digest video on NoFap and loneliness then take a look at this video right here >> Quitting porn makes me feel lonely.  I made it a few weeks ago and it will give some additional advice and thoughts.

Thanks for reading.

-Scandinavian Bob

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