How My Dopamine Detox Increased Attraction (3 Dopamine Hacks)

dopamine dopamine detox dopamine fasting dopamine receptors

Curious about whether or not a dopamine detox can increase attraction?

Well today I'm sharing my personal experience with exactly that.

Stay with me here because this might just blow you mind...

How My Dopamine Detox Increased Attraction (3 Dopamine Hacks)

Today I’m going to talk about how a normal 48 hour fast from food actually turned into one of my best dopamine fasts I’ve ever had with results that even I found hard to believe.

And the funny thing here is that I wasn’t even planning on making it a dopamine fast at first, but then, well stay with me here and I’ll share exactly what happened.

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

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I started with a 48 hour fast from food...

Alright, so last week I decided to do a 48 hour fast from food, you know to get all those nice fasting benefits and also because, well I’ve been eating a bit too much junk lately so I just felt I wanted to do it.

On my first day I started my morning as usual with some cardio and a bit of journaling after which I started to work on my online projects.

Now, what you’ll quickly find when you’re not eating anything is that you instantly have so much more time, because well you don’t have to plan what to eat that day.

You don’t have to go shopping, you don’t have to cook and you don’t have to clean up after your done, so I got done with my work pretty quickly that day and I started thinking…

That turned into a 48 hour dopamine fast...

"Man, this is great!"

I have so much free time here and I was just about to go on YouTube to do some recreational surfing, but then I started thinking...

"Wait a minute here now, why don’t I make this a dopamine fast and make it even more healthy for my brain?"

So, even though it was only 2PM I actually shut down my internet and my phone

And so there I was, boom, with no stimuli coming in at all. 

I added meditation to my dopamine fast...

And I started thinking, "Alright, so what should I do now then?"

Well, "Why not continue being kind to my brain here and go meditate?" 

So, I sat down and meditated for 30 minutes. 

When I was done with that I sat down and wrote a bit in my journal, making some small plans for the future and when I was done I took another meditation session. Just a short one, maybe 20 minutes or so. 

I did mediation - walks - mediation - walks - mediation - walks...

After that I took a nice 2 hour long walk in the woods and when I came back home I did yet another short mediation session.

I started to feel really good so when I went to bed I thought, "Why don’t I take a complete break even from my online work tomorrow and do a 100% technology free day?"

And I actually did that.

And boy, let me tell you, without any food and without any work and without any phone I now suddenly have a lot of time on your hands and so then I went, wait a minute here, what I would try to meditate all day long in sessions. 

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I did maybe 15 mediation sessions during my dopamine fast - and the attraction results were amazing...

And I did, during the whole second day I only meditated, went for a walk and did some journaling.

I must have had maybe 15 meditation sessions during that day ranging anywhere from 10 minutes to maybe 50 minutes or so.

Now, here’s the thing, when I broke my fast at 6PM that day I ate a big salad with some tuna in it and it tasted amazing, but here’s where it gets interesting.

 After I ended my dopamine detox I started to see attraction results...

 After I broke my fast I went out shopping for some clothes and let me tell you, when I was walking around in the store it was like all of my senses were on a whole new level.

Almost like Bradley Cooper in that movie limitless.

And on top of that I was so happy and it felt like I was radiating positive energy out of every pore. 

 It was like I was radiating positive energy out of every pore...

Now here comes sometimes even more interesting...

It wasn’t like I was jumping around or anything like that, in my opinion I just acted normally, but here’s the thing, people noticed!

And people noticed it...

It was like I was walking around there trying clothes and there were several girls who turned their head and looked at me and some of them even locked eyes with me and gave me a big smile. 

Now, that does not happen to me very often.

Not even on my normal retention streaks, at least not to this level because I’m just an average looking guy.

But that day, after I broke my fast, it happened so many times that it, well, it almost blew my mind.

What was that strange attraction?

Ok, so it’s not like I’m a naive person either and I do very well understand that things like that could have been a coincidence.

And maybe I just happened to pass other people who also felt extra good that day, and so smiles were exchanged. I’m fully aware of that.

And as a guy who’s very down to earth and don’t really like all that talk about vibrations and energy I still have to say... oh man...well, I have to admit that at least it felt like people could sense my energy.

Now again, I’m not claiming that they did, I’m just saying, that was what it felt like. Everyone checked me out more than usual that day, both men and women.

What about the NoFap streak?

Now, if you’re wondering what day I was on NoFap then then I don’t even know.

All of my long term subscribers know that the last time I relapsed to adult sites was in January 2019 and for me that’s the most important thing, to stay away from those.

But then, as far as the retention goes I do that in cycles on and most of the time I don’t count days there, but I would guess that I was on day 30 or something that evening in the store.

The amazing feeling didn't last that long...

And also, that super amazing feeling didn’t unfortunately not stay elevated 100% like that going forward.

I would say that it went something like this right here *see video* It did go down during the following days, however, it still landed above where I was prior to the start of the dopamine fast.

If you haven't gotten any NoFap benefits, try to add dopamine fasting...

So, if you haven't gotten any so-called NoFap benefits yet, then perhaps you too could consider doing something like this.

But do be a bit careful with fasting if you’re not used to it. Don’t just start with a 48h fast but build up to it with a few practice fats first.

Alright, I hope you found this interesting and as always, if you need my help with your NoFap journey, the info on how to find me is right under the video, if you want some coaching or help.

 Thanks for reading.


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