Feeling Sad After Quitting Porn? (Here's The Problem)

porn-addiction quitting porn

Have you recently decided to give up porn?

And now you feel kind of sad?

Like nothing really matters?

Well, in today's video / blog post we are going to talk about why so many people are feeling sad after quitting porn...

...and what to do about it.

Feeling sad after giving up porn...

Scandinavian Bob here hi.

Many relapses happen because of urges, but let me ask you one thing...

...imagine this scenario...

You are doing NoFap, things are going pretty good, you have managed to overcome a few urges without relapsing and you have successfully made it to say about 10 days..

...and so you keep going without relapses, but then somewhere about 2-4 weeks your mood drops.

It is like all your motivation is gone and you suddenly have this feeling like you just don’t really care about anything anymore...

...at least not as much as you used to.

Feeling down after quitting porn - and then relapsing...

And so, one day when you are sitting there at your computer, you just choose to relapse, even though you didn’t have any urges.

But even though you thought you didn’t care, you actually do care because the next day you go, oh man, I destroyed my streak...and it was so pointless.

"I didn’t even have any urges and I still did it, what the hell, how can I go against my own intentions like this..It is like i’m my own worst enemy...I mean, I can’t trust myself anymore if I just keep sabotaging my own intentions like that...what the hell!?!"

The 'void relapse' happens because you're depressed after quitting porn...

Well, my friend. You just experienced what I like to call “the void relapse”

In order to understand this we have to talk about the dopamine system in your brain for a moment. 

Dopamine plays an important role in our brain, for example. It is there to make you go after things that will help you survive and to carry your genes to the next generation.

But if you become addicted to something that activity hijacks your dopamine system and...

"It does not matter what you are addicted to, your reward center interprets that activity or substance as being something vital for survival."

It literally thinks you need it to survive so when you stop using it, your brain is deliberately making you feel bad in order for you to start using it again.

And when you stop using adult websites, this often happens somewhere in the second, third or fourth week. You suddenly feel very down and unmotivated and it’s like you have a black hole in your chest and you just  feel a black empty void.

Oh man, and it can be quite nasty too.

Now here comes the important part, so listen up…

You can not go NoFap and stop using adult sites without replacing it with something. That’s right, you need to fill that void with something else, or you will keep relapsing again and again...aaand again.

Ok and so now you say, ok Bob, but how do I fill the void then?

How can I fill the void so that I don't have to feel bad after quitting my porn addiction?

Well good question and here’s what I recommend,  check this pyramid out. 

The Void destroyer pyramid:

Here’s what to fill your life with in order to get rid of the void. Or if you can’t get rid of it, you can at least make it smaller.  

As the base here you should work on your physical and mental health.

This could be things like for example

  • physical exercise,
  • eating healthy foods,
  • meditating,
  • being mindful.
  • spending time with loved ones,
  • doing breathing exercises,
  • taking cold showers,
  • socializing,
  • helping others,
  • taking a walk in nature,
  • playing an instrument,
  • going to sign up for therapy sessions

...and so on....you get the picture!

Things that nurture your mental health as well as your physical health.. 

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Taking care of your health is so important that it is the very base of the pyramid, but then IF you want to overcome your addiction, the middle part here is also going to be extremely important...

Having a long term vision / goal...

And that is to have a long term goal or life vision that you keep working on. And it has to be something that is so big that if you were to achieve it,  it would seriously make your life better. 

Now this one is up to you to figure out, since I don’t know anything about your life and what you are interested in, but a good way to figure it out could be ask yourself, what would my ideal DAY look like”...

Then when start visualizing what an ideal day would look like to you, you will probably realize that the life you are having right now is pretty far from that image.

How can you move towards that?

So your next task will then be to start asking yourself questions like, what steps would I have to take in order get a life that i could live that ideal day over and over again and then write those steps down.

Now, these steps will probably also feel very big, but that's ok, just keep chunking them down further by asking  asking yourself...

...“What smaller steps could I do this week to bring me just a little bit closer to achieving those bigger steps”.

Guys, you have to realize that by using your courage and by chunking down the steps like this, you can achieve almost any big goal you set for yourself. You really can.

Almost everyone can do more than they think.

Replace your porn use by working on your vision...

And working on that big goal, should be what you replace all your adult entertainment sessions with.

You know, one of the benefits of NoFap is increased energy and drive, and there is no better way to transmute your vital energy than  channeling it into your life vision.

If you can’t find anything that really excites you, just pick something anyway. Something that you would have to agree that, if you were to achieve it, it  would at least be an improvement in your life or at the very least make your life less miserable...

...this will also help with you feeling down after quitting your porn addiction...

Examples long term goals...

Some examples could be for example...

  • Starting a side business..
  • Or an online business that you keep working on in your free time so that you eventually perhaps could leave your current job that you hate...
  • Becoming a bodybuilder...
  • Learn to play a musical instrument and start your own band...
  • Start a YouTube channel
  • Start your own website
  • Start writing books and try to sell them on Amazon
  • ...and on and on...

The choices are endless, but again: just make your goal big enough, then re-channel your NoFap powers into going after that goal and you do that by slaying all the smaller steps leading up to that goal...

...one by one, fueled by all the energy NoFap is giving you.

Ok, so what about the tip of the pyramid then?

Well that one is purely pleasure and entertainment. 

We still need some pleasures in life, though...

Now, it is the smallest part of the pyramid for a reason and that’s because we don’t want too much of it, but the fact is, we still need some of it in our lives. 

You see, many guys make the mistake of making their reboot too strict, and they only schedule hard things to do.

This is a mistake.

Don't make your journey too damn strict...

While  I applaud  their ambition, it won’t work in the long run. You see, we still need guilty pleasure in our life and here is the key, there is nothing wrong with using rewards as long as we don’t overdo it…

….and as long as we do not use things we are addicted to as the reward.

In other words, if you are addicted to alcohol, you do NOT go grab a beer after you have achieved some of the steps leading up to your life vision. 

However  if you are not addicted to alcohol, there is nothing wrong with rewarding yourself with a beer or two every now and then.

Or the reward could for example be, drinking coffee, watching a movie on Netflix OR even playing video games for 30 minutes at the end of your day as a reward for working on your life vision.

 Personally I almost never drink alcohol any more, but my guilty pleasure is junk food.

But as I know that is not good for me I try to not eat it too often, but it is still there at the top of the pyramid. 

Find something to reward yourself with...

Because again, we need to have something to use as a reward and it’s up to you to find what you want to use, as long as you don't have watching porn as your reward...

...but then again, since you are doing NoFap, I don’t have to tell you that one, do I?

Ok, so do yourself a favor and bookmark this video and come back to it and watch it again and again and while you start creating your own pyramid because remember, this pyramide is going to destroy that empty feeling you are having in your chest.

Yes indeed, the pyramide is the key to you overcoming those horrible void relapses, once and for all.

Alright this Scandinavian Bob signing out for today,

Thanks for reading!

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