Feeling Lonely When Doing NoFap (Try This Out)

no pmo nofap quitting porn

Have you embarked on the NoFap journey only to start feeling more lonely?

Well this is actually pretty common. 

So much so that I decided to make a post about it. 

Let's jump in and take a look at what to do about it.

Feeling Lonely When Doing NoFap 

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

Let’s talk a bit about NoFap and loneliness because this is a common thing that guys are struggling with out there. 

I have said a few times in my videos that after guys quit fapping to adult sites, the feelings of loneliness can actually become a bit more intense for a while. Because they are no longer fooling their brains that they have unlimited mating opportunities. And because they remove a porn as a possible escapism mechanism for their problems in life.

It can get worse before it gets better...

I’ve also said that this is a good thing because in order to fix it, guys start putting themselves out there into the real world. And of course, the chances of forming real connections increase as well.

But did you know that oftentimes feelings of loneliness have nothing to do with if you have company or not?

You can feel lonely even if you have people around you...

Yes, there are a lot of people who are in relationships who are incredibly lonely. 

You can even have a lot of friends and other connections and still feel very lonely.

Listen up here, guys, A big part behind the feeling of loneliness is because of your relationship with humanity.

If you distance yourself from humanity or a connection with everybody, you are going to feel lonely no matter if you happen to have physical company or not. 

So, what do I mean by this?

Feeling a deeper connection with humanity...

Well, if you can see everybody as one or if you can see everybody as part of yourself, as a oneness of the universe, or however you want to put it, you will not feel lonely.

For example, if you’re feeling lonely right now ask yourself if you’re feeling disconnected with everyone. 

And if you do, then another question to ponder could be, do I easily condemn and place judgment on others and their way of living?

And so now some of you say, yes, but what the hell has that to do with feelings of loneliness?

Well just think about it. 

If you judge others you will start feeling more lonely...

If you judge and look down on others' way of living it means you are distancing yourself from them. Well, then you are disconnecting yourself from people. 

And if you disconnect yourself you lose that feeling of being one with everybody, and thus you start feeling more and more lonely as a result. 

But if you can be compassionate and more understanding  of others then you are closing that distance. That gap. You become more one with everything and thus you’ll feel less lonely.

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Being compassionate doesn't mean you have to live like people who you don't agree with...

Now, I’m not saying you have to believe or live like people you feel are not aligned with you, of course not, but if you can reach as far as understanding that there are many ways to live and some people have just chosen another way of doing that then you are already doing pretty well. 

Also, ask yourself, are you judging guys who are still choosing to fap to adult sites? I’m not, because I’ve been there myself, in the past. 

If you do, know that you’re not helping them, and you are for sure not helping yourself by doing that. 

In fact, you are making your own loneliness worse.

Adapt an understanding mindset...

Instead try to adapt an understanding mindset and keep going with your own NoFap journey. You guys already know I’m heavy into NoFap, but that doesn’t mean all my friends are doing it. But I can be friends with them regardless. 

So if you’re feeling alone or empty inside, get out of your house, but more importantly, get out of yourself, get out of your ego, get out of your head.

Go forward and do acts of kindness, help someone.

When you help others you form a connection

When you help others you actually connect on a deeper level and you feel good and they feel good. And that connection destroys any feelings of loneliness. So go outside. Talk to strangers, help strangers, talk to everyone and be one with everything.

Alright I hope this gave you some food for thought and if you are on this amazing NoFap journey now, but you keep struggling with it, make sure to download my free 90 day no pmo guide using the link below. 

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, keep going and stay strong. 

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