Do Urologists Recognize Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction? (PIED)

pied recovery porn induced ed porn-addiction quitting porn success stories

Wondering if porn induced erectile dysfunction (PIED) is a real thing?

If PIED is recognized by urologists?

Well, today we are going to take a look at a NoFap success story that comes from a urologist who fixed his own ED by quitting porn.

Let's jump in...

Do Urologists Recognize Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction? (PIED) 

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

It is time for success story #28 in our NoFap success story series and today is going to be an interesting one because it comes from a urologist. 

And if you didn’t know a urologist is a medical doctor who specializes on issues related to the genitals, a bit broader than that as well, but he has his focus, you know “down there”

Ok, and so, let today’s story begin…

Urologist recognized his own porn induced ED and set out to fix it...

**Watch video at the top for story**

Scandinavian Bob's comment...

Ok, before we continue, I have to point out that this story is one of the older ones found on Gary Wilson’s site Your Brain On Porn. And almost all of us older guys started out with the old VHS tapes, and so did I. 

And so he goes on to say…

**Watch video at the top for story**

Scandinavian Bob's comment...

Ok, so this is very important here, as you can see, he lost weight, got healthy, tried everything, but he still struggled with ED, and here comes something even more important so listen up here,

He says he even tried ED drugs, but that there was…

“No signs of life in the penis while with women.”

“I rarely had any had a problem while PMO so I knew nothing was wrong organically.”

Could get hard to porn, but not with women...

Now this is key, he says he rarely had any problems with his erections when fapping to porn.

And as a urologist of course he can figure out that at least that means his ED is not caused by any organic problems, because those wouldn’t just suddenly disappear when you fire up a porn site.  So, now it is starting to look like it’s taking the porn in order for him to get erect. 

And when this happens this should really be a light bulb moment for guys out there because now it looks like they are dependent on the porn to be able to achieve a boner.

He continues by saying..

**Watch video at the top for story**

Scandinavian Bob's comment...

Ok, so remember that I told you that this is one of the older stories on Your Brain On Porn, so this means that at that time PIED had not yet gained that much attention amongst professionals, because it was such a new phenomenon.

But today, more and more professionals are starting to recognize the problem. 

So, back to the story…

**Watch video at the top for story**

And a bit further down still…

“It was never my intention to post anything in the forum. THANK YOU, everyone who posted their experience. It helped me getting through Dark times, NoFap WORKS!”

Scandinavian Bob's comment...  

Okay and so there you have it guys.

 He did it. 

And if any one of you has been skeptical about this whole PIED thing, there you heard the words “NoFap works' ' straight from a professional urologist, a professional dick doctor. 

Think about that for a moment, as a professional doctor he tried everything in a conventional sense, but it wasn’t until he gave up the porn and rebooted that he started functioning again. 

But of course, in addition to rebooting it is smart to always look at the whole picture and attack the problem from multiple angles, because there are actually many things in today’s modern world that can cause our boners to become weak and sluggish.

If you need help with weak erections...

And speaking of that I have made a short guide for this where I share some helpful tools and tips on how to get a harder “manhood” that you can get for free using the link below.

Download >>My FREE Guide<<  For Harder Boners Now!

It’s just a really short PDF file with some helpful things for you to try should you be interested in that. 

And if you haven’t already make sure to check out all the other NoFap success stories as well.

Discover more NoFap success stories....

You can see the playlist with all the other stories using the link right here ==> Quitting porn / NoFap success stories

Why not take a look at the right now to keep you inspired and to help with your motivation, as you trudge forward on your journey.

This is Scandinavian Bob swinging out for today, consider subscribing for more success and I’ll see you in the next one.

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