Can Quitting Porn Help With Performance Anxiety in Bedroom?

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 Are you having a bit of anxiety going on over there?

A bit of performance anxiety in the bedroom?

And now you're wondering if quitting porn can help with that performance anxiety?

Well, let's take a look...

Can Quitting Porn Help With Performance Anxiety in Bedroom?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

So, can quitting porn help with performance anxiety?

Well, if you’re not sure about that, then you need to watch today's video as giving up porn and performance anxiety is the team of today.

As you guys know, having a YouTube channel about quitting porn means I also get a lot of emails. And one question I often get is whether I think quitting porn can help with performance anxiety in the bedroom, so I thought I’d make a video about it.

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Answer: yes, quitting porn can help with performance anxiety!

Oh yes it can!

It not only can, but for most guys it makes a big difference. 

And it’s very logical, check this out…

When you consume a lot of adult content your dopamine system can really start to suffer. And one common consequence of a dysfunctional dopamine system is increased anxiety. 

Too much porn can lead to a disrupted dopamine system - which in turn can lead to anxiety- which in turn can lead to performance anxiety...

Now, that doesn’t happen to everyone, but it is still pretty common and increased anxiety problems in general, well of course that’s going to translate to more anxiety in the bedroom as well. I.e. sexual performance anxiety.

Why would that area be any different?

So we can instantly tick this box right here and then when guys start quitting porn the dopamine system starts working better again - and so they start getting less anxiety problems. And that in turn can also reduce performance anxiety a bit.

Porn can also cause weak erections...

But as if that wasn’t enough, most of you already know that overconsumption of porn can cause weak and sluggish erections.

For some guys even to the point of failing to get it up all together.

And do you think having a problem like that would help or hurt your performance anxiety in the bedroom?

Well, I think we all can agree that it not only can, but almost certainly causes increased performance anxiety.

Se can put another check right here.

Over Consuming porn  can also cause other related problems, like not being able to ejaculate or ejaculating way too quickly and then of course, going on a NoFap journey will help reverse those problems.

Porn use and addiction-related brain changes

And if you have watched my series where I talk about porn addiction and the 4 major brain changes, you know that one of the brain changes that happens if you become addicted to PMO is a malfunctional stress system.

That means you get more stressed out by everything.

And just like with the dopamine system and the anxiety, here too it’s pretty obvious that a malfunctioning stress system that makes you freak out more easily is going to increase your performance anxiety.

And of course, when you start doing NoFap and stop using porn the malfunctioning stress system will reverse.

Now this alone can explain a lot, but as if this wasn’t enough here comes the real killer. 

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What porn does to your subconscious mind...

What do you think watching adult sites does to your subconscious mind?

Think about it!

You’re sitting there almost on a daily basis and you’re watching people with perfect bodies, who are chosen because they are very fit and muscular and with big, how shall we put it, certain attributes that 99.9% of men can not compete with.

Simply put, they look like Greek Gods with big tools between their legs.

And not only that, they often use chemicals to help them perform even better, and on top of all that, they use a lot of cut scenes making it look even better and like they are machines.

Watching Greek Gods on a screen can contribute to your performance anxiety

Now, let me ask you this...

Don’t you think that affects you?

You will start comparing yourself to all those Greek Gods, and boy do you come up short.

Even if you’re not aware of it on a subconscious level, you will compare yourself to them.

You start comparing yourself to what you see on the screen...

For example, they have done studies showing how using social media can trigger depression, simply because we automatically start comparing our lives to all the highlight reels people post.

It can't be avoided

It can’t be avoided, and since you then do the same with professional porn stars, how could those images you have spinning around in your subconscious mind not affect the way you view your own performance?

Unrealistic expectations, in combination with you feeling that you’re losing, is a big big recipe for performance anxiety right there.

Now, if you want some more info about NoFap and performance anxiety you can find a link to a blog post I made a while ago where I give you some helpful tips on how to deal with it. So if this is something you’re struggling with, you might want to check it out.

And the video series I talked about with the >> 4 brain changes when watching porn << can be found right here.

Thank you for reading the article, can qutting porn help with performance anxiety.

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