Can NoFap Increase Size And Give You a Bigger Penis? (Surprising)

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The "only one way" I mention in the end of the video can be found right here....

 Have you been doing NoFap for a while now and started asking yourself questions like...

  • I wondering if NoFap can give you a bigger penis?
  • Could NoFap make my penis fill up with blood to a bigger extent?
  • Does NoFap increase size?

Well, if so, this is the post for you.

Let' get started....

Can NoFap Give You a Bigger Penis?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Can NoFap Increase Penis Size?

I get a lot of questions like that, so I thought I'd make a video about it to address it once and for all because you might be surprised at what you are going to hear. So let's jump in right away.

Can NoFap Increase Size?

The honest and correct answer is both yes and no, and in the end of the video, I'm going to share something that really works for this, so make sure to stay with me to the end.

Flatline Guys and NoFap: A Closer Look

Here there are many guys out there, mostly dogmatic NoFap guys, who swear that they have seen an increase in size since going on NoFap. I'm not saying that they are wrong, but here is what's going on behind that.

Did you know that many flatline guys who are using porn descend into a flatline even before they quit porn without them even knowing it?

Yeah, so you can have a flatline going on while you are using porn. They might just perhaps notice a drop in libido and that they feel kind of numb.

But we all know that the size of your manhood can actually shrink a little during the flatline, so they might be playing with a joystick that is only working at say 85% of its full potential.

If your in a "NoFap flatline" your penis might not be living up to its full potential...

Yeah, so it does not really get 100% filled with blood, and they don't even notice that.

And then when they start doing NoFap and tear themselves away from the porn, their little joystick suddenly goes to 100% because now they are getting out of the flatline and they are recovering.

And then they go, "Whoa, this is amazing, NoFap makes your penis bigger! Who would have thought?"

This is a penis in hand answer. So yeah, it actually got bigger for him because he started from a suboptimal state, but then after rebooting ended up with a winner that is now working to 100%.

Started out from a suboptimal state...

Because here's the thing, you can definitely be at 90% and not really notice anything wrong. But then if you get it to 100%, you go, "Oh man, look how big it is!"

But in reality, it hasn't grown; it's just living up to full potential. You can even be at 80% of your capability without knowing anything is wrong, at least if you are an older guy.

But here, you might start suspecting that something isn't really working as it should. And if you go below that to 70%, now almost everyone knows that my little friend isn't doing his job properly. "Now, what the hell is wrong with you? Stand up straight, come on, man!"

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The Death Grip Masturbation: A Factor to Consider

Then another thing that might be going Death Grip on is that many guys have been using something called the death grip masturbation.

This happens because when the desensitization in the brain sets in, they start feeling more and more numb down there.

So then they try to compensate for that by tightening up the grip harder and harder in order to feel anything. And over time, this can actually result in a shrunken manhood. It can shrink due to compression, obviously.

So here too, when the guy starts doing NoFap, that poor abused wiener will slowly but surely start to recover. And here too, it will then look bigger as he is healing.

Conclusion: The Bottom Line

The bottom line is yes, the wiener can get bigger when doing NoFap, but it's just a matter of it returning to its natural optimal size, and it cannot magically somehow keep growing beyond that.

So you can't go above 100% to 120% suddenly just by doing NoFap; that doesn't work.

NoFap is great; I do it myself, but come on, guys, let's not get stupid deep inside our heads here and start thinking things like that.

And as far as I know, there is only one thing that can actually increase the size above its natural size, but due to the sensitive topic of this, I cannot share it here on YouTube.

However, my mission here is to help you with everything I can, so if you're interested in what that could be, you can reach out to me with an email, and I'll share what it is there. I leave my email address under the video for you.

I could not share it over on YouTube, but since I own this blog I can share it here >> Here it is <<

Bonus Content: Special NoFap Video

Oh, hey, guys, have you seen my video about how the 14-day NoFap streak can act as a catalyst for your 90-day challenge?

Because the 14-day period is a very special play in the whole reboot. No?

Well then, you can find that video by clicking on the link right here and the mindset over there is something that you really should adapt to. Take a look right now, and you'll discover exactly what I mean.

Signing Off

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, and remember, as Winston Churchill used to say, "If you're going through hell, keep going."

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