Am I Too Old For NoFap / Quitting Porn (Too Late To Change?)

nofap quitting porn

Are you wondering if you are too old for NoFap?

Or if it's too late for you to quit porn?

Well, if so, you might want to watch today's video because I'm going to share something very inspiring for you.

Hint: you're not too old to quit porn.

Am I Too Old For NoFap / Quitting Porn?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Sometimes I see young guys in the comment section asking something along the line of, "I'm 29 years old now, is it too late for me to start NoFap?"

Then I see someone answering, "Hey brother, what are you thinking? I'm 32 and I just started."

Well, listen guys, it doesn't matter when you start because having a healthy brain is going to benefit you with everything in life, all the time, and to the very last day you spend on this Earth.

Having a healthy brain is going to benefit you to the very last day of your life...

So, for those of you who feel you have wasted your life and that you're too old, listen up here because now I'm going to share something special for you.

This is from a success story from the site "Your Brain on Bran."

Now, I'll just share a bit of the story, and please stay with me here because I will reveal his age in a moment. Okay, so here goes:

**Watch video for the the story**

It's never too late to start NoFap - 67 years old or whatever...

Now, I'll end right there, and for those of you who feel it's too late to start, here comes the title of that success story: "More Alert and More Confident from a 67-Year-Old Man."

Wow, isn't this lovely?

I just find this phrase here so wonderful: "head over heels in love with my wonderful wife again."

Dopamine is involved with feelings of love...

Did you guys know that dopamine is involved in feelings of love as well?

And if you mess around with too much adult sites, they can completely rob you of even being able to feel love. And this is something that happened to me as well.

As most of you know, I grew up without the internet, so I was secretly in love with many different girls during my upbringing, and a couple of not-so-secretly as well.

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Porn robbed me of feelings of love...

I started dating before I got the internet. Yeah, love was such a wonderful feeling. But then, somewhere around the year 2006 when adult tube sites started to roll out, everything changed. I had then reached the "old age of 30", and I just thought that it's normal to not feel any strong feelings of love when you get older.

I'm going to share the full story in another video, but let me just say, between the ages of 30 to 43, I wasn't really able to feel that strong feeling of love because even though I started giving up adult sites at the age of 36, I kept on relapsing.

But now, now when I have been completely free from them for a few years, I'm once again capable of getting those butterflies in my stomach, and man, let me tell you, it's a wonderful feeling.

The next time you feel tempted to watch porn, consider the price you're paying...

So, the next time you feel tempted to use adult sites because you want a few minutes of pleasure, you could remind yourself of the fact that adult sites might give you a few moments of pleasure, but what's the price you're paying?

They might be robbing you of your ability to feel a connection, love, and that childlike excitement for life that you had when you were younger.

If you want to see the exact biological process that takes place in your dopamine system when you get it on to pixels on a screen, then take a look at this article right here => Will NoFap give you success?  As over there, I share something I think every single man on the planet should know. Yes, I really mean that. Take a look right now, and you'll see exactly what I mean.

-Scandinavian Bob

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