A Second Flatline on NoFap / When Quitting Porn? (Several Flatlines)

nofap flatline porn flatline porn-addiction quitting porn

Note, if you are interested, you can read a full review of the course I mention in the end of the video here >> Dopamine Discipline Review

Wondering if you can have a second flatline when quitting porn?

Or if you can have several flatlines on your NoFap journey?

Maybe even three four or five flatlines?

This is what today's video is about.

A Second Flatline on NoFap / When Quitting Porn?

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

I sometimes get emails from guys freaking out because they finally emerged from the flatline and life started to look brighter, only to enter a second flatline a few weeks later. 

So what’s going on here, can you have several flatlines on NoFap?

Having several flatlines on NoFap is normal...

Yes, you guys need to know that it is indeed possible to have several flatlines during your pmo / porn reboot.

In fact, having a second flatline on NoFap is actually very common. And sometimes even a third and a fourth flatline. 

I thought it was important to make a video about this because, well, if guys are not aware of it it’s no wonder they freak out if they happen to run into a second flatline on their pmo rebooting journey.

Especially considering the fact that a NoFap flatline can be very unpleasant. 

The flatline usually starts in the second week...

It’s very normal that the flatline starts somewhere in the second or third week, and then lasts for different lengths for almost everyone.

Many guys are lucky enough to get away with just one flatline, but if you happen to descend into a second one later on, then you should know and find comfort in the fact that most often, the second one is going to be shorter than the first one. 

Now, there are exceptions to that, but in general, that’s the case.

The second flatline is usually a bit shorter...

That said, the second flatline can often be harder for some people to cope with on a mental level.

This is because, well, think of it this way, let’s say you are fighting with some serious illness, and you are really suffering because of it - and then finally you become well and you’re so relieved.

Well, if you then a couple of months later find out that you got the illness again it really messes with your psyche.

A second NoFap flatline can knock the air out of you...

Those strong turns between first having to be down, then feeling the joy of overcoming it, only to once again fall back can really knock the air out of you.

However, when it comes to the flatline, you need to constantly remind yourself that since you already got out of it once, your brain is fully capable of doing it again.

And then you just trudge forward, one day at a time trusting the process. 

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So, why do those second and perhaps third of even fourth flatline happen? 

Well, to this day no one knows, but they can happen even if you do everything right.

No one understands exactly what’s happening inside your brain during the flatline.

That said, if you’re not aware of it, I can tell you that sometimes guys enter a second flatline if they start busting too soon with their girlfriend during rebooting. 

Starting to ejaculate too soon and too much after a porn reboot can send you back into another flatline...

Let’s for example say you’re on day 80 and you got out of the flatline about 2 weeks ago. Then you visit your girlfriend this week and you happen to bust 3 times. And a couple of days later you descend into a second flatline.

Now, if this happens then you need to be flexible in your thinking and not freak out.

You see, some guys jump into conclusions that, "Oh man, I can never ejaculate 3 times again during one single week because if I do I fall back!"

Well, that’s not flexible thinking.

Just because another flatline followed tight now, doesn't mean it'll always be like that...

It just means that right now, it was perhaps a bit too soon and maybe 4-5 months from now, 3 times a week will work just fine.

You have to be willing to experiment in a calm, rational way. 

And also, just because I used the number 80 as an example here, does not mean that that’s too soon for everyone.

Again, we are all different, each reboot is unique and you are the one who is conducting research in your own pmo reboot study.

So, in conclusion, know that there is a possibility of entering a second or even third NoFap flaltine later on. No one knows why they happen, and that they can happen even if you do everything right during your reboot.

And finally, trust the process and just know that you will get out of them.

Thanks for reading.

-Scandinavian Bob

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